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Performance Improvement Analysis

Essay Instructions:


This course includes three Article Analyses. These exercises are designed to actively involve you in HR considerations and decision making, and help you

understand how the concepts covered in the course apply to complex real-world situations. These exercises also provide practice communicating your reasoning

in a professional manner. Write a 3- to 5-page analysis (approximately 3,000 words) on the companies in the assigned case study. In your analysis, do the following:

a. Briefly summarize the article (1-3 paragraphs).

b. Identify 3 different companies in the article.

c. Discuss whether the risk management approach taken by each company was a preventive or intervention measure.

d. Consider whether or not the risks change when events are addressed in a proactive manner instead of a reactive manner. Explain your reasoning.

e. Compare the different types of leadership approaches, and suggest how an HR department might implement strategies to mitigate risk or manage a

crisis event.

f. Discuss ethical ways for mitigating risks with key stakeholders, considering practical implications to executive leaders.


The article analysis must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA citations. Page length

requirements: 3-5 pages, not including cover page and references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Performance Improvement Analysis
Student’s Name
Performance Improvement Analysis
Article Summary
The article primarily deals with the dynamic contemporary business environment. According to the author, a crisis can occur regardless of the preventative efforts put in by a company. Hence, strategic planning is presented as a discipline that, over the last 40 years, has aided planners to forecast and cope with numerous industry forces and problems existing beyond their control (Kash & Darling, 1998). For the paper, crisis management is opined as a series of processes through which crisis issues are identified, studied, and forecasted. The strategies help organizations to put in place specific approaches through which they can cope with crises.
According to the author, there are two types of crises. The first are those that can be managed, and the second category is that of approaches that manage you. It is through proactive planning that managers are aided to control and also resolve crisis events. Whenever such possibilities are ignored, a crisis can take a life of its own (Kash & Darling, 1998). The author presents companies that had to employ strategic approaches to manage emergencies. They include the following.
The Three-Mile Island nuclear power plant had its warning signs go off in 1979, indicating that the nuclear reactors were at risk of a meltdown. The plant had close to 120 different alarms which went off at the same time. Those required to take action failed to do so because planned instructions had never been provided (Kash & Darling, 1998). The second company presented is Nike which in the year 1997 faced an event it had no plan to resolve. The article presents the different stages of a crisis and preventative efforts that possibly can work to fix them. The final organization presented is Martin Marietta. According to the author, the company recognized the need to sufficiently present information to stakeholders during periods of crisis (Kash & Darling, 1998). For this reason, it maintains communication at a level from which it can communicate immediately to all its immediate constituencies.
Nike chose to take more of an intervention measure to resolve it; the company had to do away with an entire line and recall more than 38,000 shoes (Kash & Darling, 1998). The second company, the Three-Mile Island nuclear power plant, might have had a preventative measure in place. Even so, its insufficiency meant that the crisis never was well acknowledged at the start and eventually became a chronic phenomenon (Kash & Darling, 1998). Finally, the measure employed by Marti...
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