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Paraphrasing Different Perceptive Responses

Essay Instructions:

1. Respond to Mecole

Regarding information security management and privacy, the most significant concern would be data theft and cyber-attacks. Hacking, virus attacks, and more make the information security system vulnerable. Due to this, the cost of data privacy has been increasing every year. Even the number of open vulnerabilities has been crossing 14,000 every year. There needs to be an IoT readiness plan to deal with such concerns and issues. Along with this, the human errors would have a different amount of complication that the organization needs to deal with subsequently with proper training of the professionals (Kavanagh, Thite & Johnson, 2015).

Bring Your Own device (BYOD) is a policy that many small-level companies follow where the employees are free to use personal electronic gadgets such as smartphones, laptops, and others for official purposes. This is a great formula for success as it reduces the cost of hardware procurement in the office premises. On the pro side, BYOD offers great savings for the organizations, whereas there is also no learning curve for the employees. This also improves the employee morale potentially as they use their electronics. Due to personal up-gradation, this also emphasizes more updated technology at the office. On the con side, the IT support from the organization becomes more complex, whereas the security risks are also high. Some employees might not have their own devices and some may not agree with the policy and leave the organization (Medved, 2016).

Cloud computing refers to bringing the entire IT infrastructure on the cloud with no specific space requirement. Here, all the work would be done on the cloud platform and saved accordingly. Due to this, cloud computing provides the most scalable and flexible IT solutions so far. Many large companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle, and others provide cloud platforms where data security is better than others. Regarding the benefits of cloud computing, it reduces the cost for establishing the IT infrastructure, whereas administration costs are also minimized significantly. With more data control, this is a much more reliable solution with a better data recovery and backup process. This also upgrades the software automatically. On the con side, without the internet facility, cloud computing has no such use and the probability of downtime is also great even with a great internet facility. To a certain extent, cloud computing provides limited flexibility and infrastructure control. The cost of maintenance is also high when the big data storage is required. The largest negative side would be security, as the cloud platform integrates more than one department, any security firewall issue would affect all the departments in any organization (Kavanagh, Thite & Johnson, 2015).

2. Respond to Keyla

Identify and discuss some of your concerns about managing information security and privacy in the future.

A major concern I have about the future in managing information security is learning the ropes of how to keep up with the ever-changing field. Technology changes rapidly then soon as one system is perfect bugs can come and viruses. I know there are systems and firewalls to prevent this but managing systems so vital does not come without concern. My concern with the security portion comes from the world of hackers and not even hackers in what we hear about in the dark web but even hackers from competitors and or past employees that know the ropes.

Analyze and discuss two of the following concepts: Bring your own device, Cloud Computing, Social Networking, Enterprise Portals, and Open-Source Software.

Bring your own device: This is great for small organizations that allow for employees to use their own devices, laptops, phones, at-home computers, etc. Having this within an organization can make it easier for employees to look into company related things at times that are easy for them to find time. Also, this contributes to lowering financial costs for the organization itself, also while employees are familiar with their own devices it can urge them to actually use the systems rather than avoiding things they do not know how to access.

Enterprise Portal: This type of portal is very user-friendly. allows for personalization per employee and can house a magnitude of information. Employee information, company policy, time tracking, data tracking, analysis, etc. This is a web-based portal and can be categorized for different departments within an organization and there is some organization that has pre made enterprise set ups but of course and organization can create its own to make it more customizable.

Discuss their potential benefits and drawbacks to the future of managing information security.

Bring your own device: Pro- can be easily accessed, easy to use, the employee can do at any time. Con- High risk of a security breach.

Enterprise Portal: Pro- Customizable, user-friendly, spans over multiple departments. Con- takes a lot of skills to create, higher cost for an organization.

3. Respond to Mecole's response to my post

Hi! Azikiwe,

Very good insight! Yes, the disgruntled employees sometimes lag the sense of ethics and morality and they cause harm to the data security system by revealing the essential details while they are forced to leave the organization. I believe, from their perspective, as the companies hold the right to hire and fire them, they hold the right to reveal sensitive information to the public. Cloud computing is one of the trendiest professional work patterns nowadays. Here, the cloud vendors provide the necessary protection suits but sometimes, those also are not sufficient. However, cloud platform makes the operational process and management easier than ever due to high mobility and accessibility at any point regarding internet availability. On the other hand, a social network is now a form of hiring an employee as here, the employee’s life is reflected with its contacts that might support the overall success of the company.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 5 Discussion 2 Responses

1. Response to Mecole
This is articulate and insightful, Mecole. I agree with you that data theft and cyber-attacks will still be with us in the future. As technology advances, hackers also develop new ways of hacking and stealing data. Given that humans will continue to be part of information systems, concerns relating to human errors will continue to be part of us. Your elaborations of BYOD and Cloud computing are superb. It is true BYOD can be a great cost-saving strategy and I think any organization that is starting up can make great use of it. However, the high risks associated with BYOD can make an organization rethink the strategy. Similarly, cloud computing also has its security risks and as you’ve put it, any security firewall issue can affect all departments in an organization. In all of these, one thing remains clear, security and privacy issues will continue to be challenges into t...
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