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Essay Instructions:
Presentation: Trends in Supply Chain Management and Logistics After our diploma has been hung on the wall and the classes are behind us, continuing to stay up-to-date with what is happening in the industry is crucial so we can stay ahead of the curve and maintain our valuable knowledge base. Over the previous three modules, you learned about leading-edge technology and trends in logistics and supply chain management. Put that to work for you. You will create a video presentation and accompanying handout. (Do not copy resources). Share insights into where you see logistics and supply chain management going and how a company can leverage this. The audience for this presentation will be all levels of logistics professionals. 1) Inbound Logistics https://www(dot)inboundlogistics(dot)com 2) Logistics Handling https://www(dot)logisticshandling(dot)com 3)Logistics Management https://www(dot)logisticsmgmt(dot)com 4) Logistics Viewpoints https://logisticsviewpoints(dot)com 5) Supply Chain Management Review https://www(dot)scmr(dot)com 6)Supply Chain Digest https://www(dot)scdigest(dot)com 7)Digital Supply Chain https://supplychaindigital(dot)com 8) Supply Chain Quarterly https://www(dot)thescxchange(dot)com 9)Supply Chain Brain https://www(dot)supplychainbrain(dot)com 10) Supply Chain 24/7 https://www(dot)supplychain247(dot)com 11) Supply Chain Dive https://www(dot)supplychaindive(dot)com Create a handout to accompany the presentation. (Do not copy resources). It should be informative and targeted to the audience. It can be written in a professional conversational style, but since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the handout and add a reference list in APA format. The handout may be single-spaced and use fonts not allowed in APA.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Emerging Patterns and Logistical Relations 1 Current and Emerging Patterns in SCM and Logistics There is an excellent change witnessed in supply chain management and logistics due to the new technologies, sustainable standards, and the effect of globalization. While industries try to respond to these conditions, logistics professionals face new challenges and risks. This paper discusses emerging trends in supply chain management, focusing on their role and effects on logistics and what the future holds. Through these trends, one can learn how easy it is for professionals to manage supply chains of the current world and how solutions can be sought to improve their operations and environmental impact. 2 Technological Advancements Technologies such as IoT and AI are changing supply chain management by integrating different levels of processes within an organization. Since they track the movement in real time, IoT devices improve control and visibility of the whole process (Smith, 2023). AI and machine learning suggest the best route to follow and demand predictions, thus helping to make the best decisions (Johnson, 2024). Not only do these innovations enhance operations' effectiveness, but they also help solve issues ahead of their occurrence. 3 Sustainability Thus, sustainability has emerged as a priority for many companies based on customer expectations and legislation requirements. As Holden(2024) informs, the increase in sustainable packaging is created by the clients' high demand for eco-friendly items. Bain's Global Consumer Lab study indica...
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