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Organizational Problem and Opportunity

Essay Instructions:

Option #1: Organizational Problem or Opportunity

Think about a specific problem or opportunity in your organization, your community, your professional association, or your social organization. (My topic: One topic that is of interest and concern to me and especially concerning a work environment I have observed is the need for organizational change. The need for organizational change is necessary because the structure shows areas of communication pitfalls in leadership, lack of consistency in departments regarding work processes, lack of training on work functions, and less emphasis on certain projects while others have a higher focus. What that looks like in this case requires an audit of the mission and vision, then a dissection of each department’s function and any other layers of missions that may exist. Doing this audit should clearly define any known missions and visions to discover any areas of alignment or misalignment.)

For this assignment, you will create a purpose statement and research question in alignment with the problem statement. These should be articulated in a concise and informative way.

For this assignment:
Define the purpose statement for this research.
Define the research question and sub-questions.
Identify your intended audience.
Provide at least six references, with at least four scholarly references that will support your future research efforts. Concentrate on using references that were published within the last five years.
Your well-written assignment should be 4-5-pages in length and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Problem and Opportunity Paper
Student Name
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Organizational Problem and Opportunity Paper
Background Information/Introduction
Organizational change can be described as an alternation of a critical aspect of the firm’s operations, culture, or structure, or the processes through which the company shifts from the current status quo to an anticipated state to enhance the overall operational effectiveness (El Jazzar, 2022). It is an essential tool that companies use to respond to the shifts within the business environment, handle threats and establish opportunities to enhance competitive advantage. The planned alterations constitute intentional initiatives tailored to move the company from its current state to the desired state in the future (Borges & Quintas, 2020). Leadership plays a significant role in ensuring effective change initiative implementation by creating the appropriate organizational climate. This report provides the purpose statement of the research, the research question and the sub-questions, and the intended audience for this research.
Purpose Statement
In order to derive and understand the purpose statement, research questions, and the targeted audience, it is critical to provide a context or background regarding the need for strategic change initiative while integrating problem statement insights. Understanding the background of the problem prompting this research implies that it would be relatively easy to derive the study aim and the research questions. The need for organizational change is an essential factor in the increasingly dynamic and complex business environment. It helps organizations implement necessary changes and adapt their processes and operations to the business climate as it evolves (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). When change is implemented without adequate employee preparedness and effective communication, resistance will likely happen (Milovanovic et al., 2022). Different factors could initiate the organizational change, including communication inconsistencies in leadership, ineffective coordination of work processes between departments, lack of adequate training on work functions, as well as reduced or more focus on specified projects. Employee resistance can be described as a two-faceted coin. Employees consider various factors before embracing or resisting a proposed change initiative; it is a multifaceted social procedure that happens within a given context. Employees might be excited about the organizational change initiative and still feel anxious about their abilities to attain the new demands due to the change process and the new approaches to running the organization (Karlsson & Westermark, 2021). In this way, employees, managers, and leaders arguably impact resistance to change.
Whereas there are many studies on employee resistance alterations at the workplace, there is still a paucity of evidence-based knowledge on managerial or leadership contribution in influencing the need for change. In addition, a critical analysis of existing studies reveals that the impact of leadership behaviors on followers’ resistance to change initiatives is an increasingly downplayed area of study. Moreover, overseeing workforce input during the change implementation process principally impacts the resistance more than the actual transformation initiative (Karlsson & Westermark, 2021). Therefore, there arguably is still the need for additional research to contribute to the limited knowledge on employee resistance to a strategic change initiative. There is a research gap from previous studies considering both the possible positive implications employee resistance could lead to and to what degree management behavior and contributions could affect the change implementation process.
In this paper, emphasis shifts to the potentially desirable positive implications understanding the resistance source could have on strategic change success rate. By investigating the rationales for and the instance where employee resistance could be helping in change initiative implementation, including the influence of management behavior on such resistance, the purpose is to study how organizational leaders and change agents could successfully and efficiently implement change. The recent Coronavirus crisis provides lessons for business firms by indicating that the contemporary business environment is increasingly volatile, thus emphasizing the need to adapt to changes (Karlsson & ...
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