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Organizational Culture: Cultural Influences On Training

Essay Instructions:

Answer all the question in the essay.
Organizational culture involves many different details, including customer service, employee benefits, and
hiring/termination processes. In this essay, you will further explain the role of organizational culture and its influences.
Within your essay, include the following points:
What are the cultural influences on training and development? Provide two examples.
Discuss the effects of cultural continuity and change on organizational succession planning. Provide two
How do internal and external social media influence organizational culture?
Is social media the most effective way for employees to share knowledge? Explain.

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Organizational Culture
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May 24, 2017
Perhaps one of the most popularly used concept in terms of management is ‘organizational culture’. However, this frequent usage of the term also entails a lot of vagueness which at times, misinterpret what organizational culture really is, and what does it mean to have one? In its most basic definition, organizational culture refers to the social, psychological, emotional, and other aspects of an organization that creates a unique environment which, in turn, affects the dynamics, the workflow, and even the system with which it belongs CITATION Busnd \l 1033 (BusinessDictionary.com, n.d.). Following from this, it could easily be implied that organizational culture encompasses every step of the workflow even as early as the hiring process and as late as termination. For the hiring process, organizational culture presents itself in the very questions that the HR would ask during the job interview. If an individual passes those criteria, then simply, he gets the job. This would then translate towards training and development where the candidate would then be presented with the vision, mission, goals, and rules of the workplace, which are basically, a major part of what we call as the “organizational culture”. Some examples of companies where the values and tenets of its organizational culture translates into their training, and finally to their performance are CBC television an...
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