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Non Profit or Public Organizations. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Project

For the Final Project for this course, select any government or nonprofit organization for which there is sufficient information to allow a thorough analysis of ethical or social justice issues. You may select your own organization if it is a government or nonprofit organization, but be aware of the need for scholarly objectivity and the need to protect confidentiality. Ethical researchers never begin any project with a hidden agenda or predetermined conclusion. If you do choose your own organization, do not identify it by name or precise location.

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Nonprofit Organization
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A large number of nonprofit and government organizations are operating in the world, and it may not be possible for us to count their total number. However, we should notice that most of those organizations operate from the United States and fight for human rights and equality. In this paper, I will cover the ethical issues the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has long faced, as well as discuss how this nonprofit organization was able to resolve all issues and conflicts (Smith, 2017). The Human Rights Campaign is one of the largest and most famous political lobbying organizations in the United States. This LGBT civil rights advocacy group aims to protect and expand rights for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) people. For quite a long time, Human Rights Campaign has been running campaigns to promote anti-discrimination and marriage equality. According to their representatives, lesbians and gays should be free to choose their life partners, and the hate campaigns against them must be shut down as soon as possible (Patrias & Frager, 2001).
Not only this, but also the Human Rights Campaign ensures the provision of instant medical assistance to LGBT individuals in case of HIV/AIDS, cancer and other severe complications. Most recently, this nonprofit organization took some legislative initiatives to support LGBT people worldwide. Its operations and projects have been divided into two sub- groups, and a comprehensive political action committee (known as HRC Foundation). The Human Rights Campaign, previously raised various issues before at the state level regarding the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights, urging the state, local officials and Congress to pass pro-LGBT bills (K’Meyer, 2009). It should be noticed that the organizations like Human Rights Campaign are often prevented from completing their tasks efficiently because the world we live in does not support bisexual marriages. From an ethical, religious and moral point of view, this type of wedding is criticized and people frequently demand to boycott it permanently. However, the Human Rights Campaign has always struggled a lot for helping LGBT individuals in a better way. It has not only raised its voice at the public level, but also initiated multiple social media campaigns to create awareness among people (K’Meyer, 2009).
In 1980, Steve Endean established the Human Rights Campaign. He had previously founded Gay Rights National Lobby, but later the two organizations merged and started operating as the Human Rights Campaign. Since then, a large number of qualified and experienced volunteers have joined this organization to educate people more and more about lesbian and gay marriages (Hammer, 2017). They have even taken some steps to promote social welfare of the lesbian and gay community by influencing different rules and regulations at the local, state and federal levels. Unlike other similar organizations that tried to promote bisexual marriages worldwide, but were pushed behind the race, the Human Rights Campaign has constantly achieved success thanks to its hard-working and dedicated members for making it possible (Dawes, 2016).
In April 2000, as part of its activities in Washington, the Human Rights Campaign sponsored different fundraising concerts. It should be noticed that this organization has always been forefront when it comes to end hate and crimes at the state level. Many of its members have long struggled and raised their voices against gender discrimination, violence, crimes, and other similar conflicts. Thus, we can say that the Human Rights Campaign not only promotes bisexual marriages through its different campaigns, but also works for the betterment and prosperity of the entire society (Williams, 2012).
In 2005, the Human Rights Campaign launched a unique Religion and Faith Program for helping LGBT individuals get their basic rights. Its members have always been forefront when it comes to same-sex marriage issues. In March 2010, they filed as a case against the opponents and attended hearings in the U.S. District Court. Should organizations like the Human Rights Campaign be allowed to openly operate and support same-sex marriages? For some, it is a good initiative, but for the others, it is a major religious, moral and ethical problem. Most of the people in the world, as well as governments, do not like the idea of same-sex marriage. Thus, they keep opposing foundations like the Human Rights Campaign in one way or the other and prevent their members from doing their work. In 2012, the Human Rights Campaign claimed that it had collected up to $19 million in the United States to advance the same-sex marriage (Christopher, 2009).
Ethical Issues for the Human Rights Campaign
A large number of organizations work for the betterment of humanity, and none of them ever thinks of keeping lesbians and gays away from financial help and other facilities. It means they are working toward a sustainable and peaceful world rather than choosing the recipients of their funds on the basis of gender, age, religion or beliefs. One of the major ethical challenges for the Human Rights Campaign is that same-sex marriage is like a crime to many people in the world. Plus, questions are often asked about its initiatives regarding prevention and cure of HIV/AIDS and cancer. These ethical lapses have thus damaged more than just the organization itself. The Human Rights Campaign often suffers from media and public criticism, and a lot of volunteers and donors often refuse to contribute money to it as they don’t trust its integrity and loyalty. The side effects often spread across the world and are long-term. Besides the fact that the Human Rights Campaign hires paid or salaried workers, various people reject its job offers just because they don’t support same-sex marriages (Nagle, 2010).
Accountability is another major issue the Human Rights Campaign is facing. The funds, whatsoever their sources may be, are often distributed among LGBT individuals with discrimination, meaning the organization is claimed to be giving preference to lesbians over gays. It seems that there is no set system of distributing funds among gays and lesbians equally. This nonprofit organization needs to plan things and opt for strategies that guarantee its long-term success and prosperity at both national and international levels (Baird & Rosenbaum, 2004). Just like various other nonprofit organizations, the Human Rights Campaign has been under the radar due to fraudulent activities. Negligence by its members has also been observed in different situations. Plus, it is said that the Human Rights Campaign does not review or revise its policies every month/year. To ensure appropriate monitoring, it is important for the Human Rights Campaign to give utmost preference to its auditing and accounting. Without it, the organization may not be able to meet its expenses at a large scale. Plus, the organization must hire top accountants and qualified and hard-working individuals from across the globe. It should also think of expanding its network of volunteers and members and be ready to pay them extra for their services. If it does not happen, then the organization can never get rid of its accountability issues (Thomas & Harker, 2012).
Besides all this, the Human Rights Campaign is criticized and has even been boycotted in different parts of the world due to its mission of supporting same-sex marriages. In no part of the world, religious people and bioethicists support bisexual marriages. They are of the view that such marriages are not permitted in their religions. Plus, those doing same-sex marriages can never become parents. Children are born only when a man has sex or develops a physical relationship with a woman. Thus, same-sex marriage means no sex and transfer of sperms from the male to the female, and no children. In 2016, the moves of the Human Rights Campaign signaled that the group would spend a lot more money on LGBT people. For this purpose, the organization was supposed to adhere to its stated purposes while allocating funds and refrain from supporting any specific political party for personal reasons (Smith, 2017).
Critics have also taken the Human Rights Campaign to task due to its conflicting working environment and rules and regulations. In 2014, a report revealed that the leadership culture within the Human Rights Campaign was extensively experienced as homogenous — white, male, gay. One year later, the organization was accused of overstating the total number of members and volunteers to appear more sustainable and influential globally (Patrias & Frager, 2001). This was not the end of its story; the Human Rights Campaign was in the headlines when some transgender individuals criticized its ENDA version in 2007, which included sexual orientation as the protection category rather than gender identity or expression. The legislation was then submitted by Barney Frank, and the Human Rights Campaign neither supported nor opposed it (Patrias & Frager, 2001). Various people question its legitimacy and working policies. They are the ones who oppose the idea of same-sex marriages. They believe that by initiating campaigns worldwide, the Human Rights Campaign is promoting bisexual marriages and directly or indirectly supporting LGBT individuals at local and international levels (K’Meyer, 2009).
Solving Ethical Issues
How has the Human Rights Campaign resolved its ethical issues? In order to protect itself from the fallout of moral and ethical conflicts, the Human Rights Campaign has always required its employees, board members, and volunteers to submit their progress reports. They are trained to be well-mannered and cooperative, no matter how hard the situation is. Furthermore, the organization takes serious initiatives at the state level to support LGBT individuals. Most recently, its members were forefront in a discussion group where Donald Trump’s policies and rules and regulations against bisexual marriages were the main subjects of conversation (Dawes, 2016).
President Chad Griffin said that it is not correct to oppose or boycott LGBT people just because we don’t like them, their lifestyle or habits. Instead, they should be free to choose their life partners, and the politicians or states must support them in their decisions, just as they support the marriage between a man and a woman. Meanwhile, resisting the hateful policies and attacking the Trump-Pence regime is not their intention. Chad Griffin clarified that they only want the government to let them do their work and a mess should not be created for their members at the local or state level. He aimed to highlight all ethical and moral challenges his company was facing...
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