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]A Practical Introduction 7th Edition: Mission, Vision, Values, and Management

Essay Instructions:

First source is Management: A Practical Introduction 7th edition
Purpose of Assignment 
The purpose of this assignment is to give learners hands on experience working, mission, and vision statements and to increase learner's knowledge of an organization's core competencies. 
Assignment Steps. The organization is Pacific Architects and Engineers (PAE)
Resources: Management: A Practical Introduction, Table 6.1; chosen organization's mission, vision, and value statements, and strategic plan, BLS Industries at a Glance. 
Examine the mission and vision statements of your place of employment or an organization with which you are familiar. Then, use the internet to locate and examine the mission and vision statement of a comparable organization. 
Use the Mission and Vision Comparison Table provided to compare your organization's mission and vision statement to the one you found on the internet. 
Create a 1,400-word analysis including the following: 
Compare your organization's mission, vision, and values against the criteria for what makes for robust statements.
Summarize what you concluded when you compared your organization to the organization you found on the internet.
Identify your organization's core competencies.
Examine your organization's core competencies based on established definitions. Include a rationale for the selection of these core competencies.
Briefly summarize your organization's strategic goals.
Evaluate whether your organization's current behavior and business goals are aligned to its mission, vision, values, and core competencies.
Determine if your organization lives up to its own mission, vision, and values.
Justify your determination.
Append your Mission and Vision Comparison Table to the end of the document. 
Format the assignment consist with APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mission, Vision, Values, and Management
Mission, Vision, Values, and Management
Having robust statements which move the public and also help to sell the image of an organization makes up the goal of every company. However, most organizations fail to recognize the importance of the mission, vision, and values statements to their growth, expansion, and appeal to clients. While developing these statements, it is always essential to ensure the message is clear, coherent, and precise. A compelling purpose is not achieved or arrived at supernaturally. However, it involves the input of several people who combine their intellect and come up with statements that communicate purpose and intent. Pacific Architects and Engineers (PAE) is an organization whose reputation is well known around the world. The organization’s presence on the global scale has helped to expand its borders and also to increase its outreach. The company has over 60 years’ experience and this means that it has had enough time to make mistakes, learn, and build on its experience. With a workforce of close to 20,000 people all over the world, PAE is indeed a giant whose joint mission with the government has had tremendous success globally. However, the focus of this article is solely on the vision, values, and mission statements of PAE. An analysis of the company’s statements will be provided and then compared to USAID’s statements which seem closely related.
First of all, according to Kenny (2014), “a vision statement says what the organization wishes to be like in some years’ time.” This means that a vision statement focuses on the future of an organization. PAE’s vision statement is as shown below:
PAE is a global leader in providing enduring support for the essential missions of the U.S. government, its allied partners and international organizations.
PAE’s vision, first of all, does not read like something or a goal the company is working towards. The statement is quite vague and is ambiguous in meaning. After reading it, one understands that PAE works with the government. However, it is unclear what the goal is or what the essential missions are.
When it comes to a mission statement, Kenny (2014) says that it “describes what business the organization is in (and what it isn’t) both now and projecting into the future.” Hull (2013) adds that a mission statement helps to provide both the employers and employees with “the framework and purpose.” PAE’s mission statement is as shown below:
PAE is well positioned to help the U.S. government meet its foreign policy objectives and maintain a state of readiness for future challenges.
The statement above is quite informative and helps to paint a picture of what PAE does. The statement like Kenny suggested also shows what the company aims to be doing even in the future. However, the mission statement like the vision statement seems to hide something and does not clearly outline which challenges or which category of challenges PAE would be helping the US to be ready for.
Values simply represent what an organization stands for. Kenny (2014) says that “values describe the desired culture.” Values help to showcase how an organization conducts its business and what set of ideals are upheld within an organization. In PAE, the values are as follows:
Perform with Excellence and Integrity: Deliver 100% of customer commitments, on time, within budget and with the highest standards of ethics and compliance.
PAE’s values are quite distinct and help to clearly paint a picture of what the company seeks to uphold. Unlike the first two statements, it is accurate and gifts a customer with a sense of belief in PAE’s business and ideals.
USAID’s statements are as follows:
Mission statement – we partner to end extreme poverty and promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing our security and prosperity.
Values include – Passion for mission, Excellence, integrity, Respect, Empowerment, Inclusion, and Commitment to learning.
Vision statement – seeks to master a collective effort in ending extreme poverty and empowering the people.
Compared to PAE’s statements, USAID&rsq...
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