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MGMT & Leadership: Modern Competitive Business World

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MGMT & Leadership: Modern Competitive Business World

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Management and Leadership
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Management and Leadership
Question 1
In her talks Rosalinde said, “In a 21st century world, which is more global, digitally enabled and transparent, with faster speeds of information flows and innovation, and where nothing big gets done without some kind of a complex matrix, relying on traditional development practices will stunt your growth as leader,” (TED Talks, 2013). According to this statement, modern leaders require new practices that will make them survive in this 21st century. Some of this requirements include: Anticipating change in their organizations; having a diverse network connection; and be courageous enough to forget about their past (TED Talks, 2013). Being able to anticipate change will enable them to adopt to new trends in the market and be able to make their followers see why the change is necessary. Diversifying their network connection makes them know any new changes and keep in touch with their competitors as well and see whether they can have any merger if possible. This will enable them take their organizations to new heights. The ability to forget their past makes them focus to the future and how they can do things better depending on the current market trends and needs.
Question 2
In the modern competitive business world, organizations are relying on leaders to facilitate any necessary changes and innovations in order to maintain a competitive advantage. Leaders have the ability to create order out of chaos and vice versa, therefore, leaders influence their followers in many ways that include coordinating, training, communicating, and motivating (Allio, 2013). Leadership behaviors are influences organizational performance and strong leaders outperforms weak ones. Leaders who are inspiring, motivating, and effective leadership skills influences their followers than those who possess such characteristics.
A manager and a leader are often used interchangeably, yet they are not the same thing. There is a fundamental difference between the two; a manager gains authority by the position one holds in the organization while a leader gains it by the influence one has on others (Denning, 2011). Additionally, one does not need to be in a leadership position to be a leader but a manager needs to hold a higher position in the organization or department to be regarded as a manager. Examples include sales managers and IT managers.
Question 3
With their busy schedules, it is difficult for leaders to think about who they are, their personalities as well as their habits and values. Additionally, most of them are not inclined to self-reflections. Consequently, most of them have low levels of self-awareness. Self-awareness helps leaders to gaps in their leadership and develop the skills. It also helps them to identify those areas they are more effective to help others. Where leaders are aware of what makes them strong helps and how they can motivate themselves as it makes them know on how they can motivate others (Allio, 2013).
We all have inner monologues referred to as “self-talk” in which one provides opinions and evaluations on something when they are doing it. This self-talk is divided into two; destructive and constructive self-talk. In destructive self-talk, the leader constantly questions his capabilities which may lead to self-doubt and uncertainty. Constructive self-talk, leaders cheers themselves up and focuses on positive aspects only that allows them to feel good on what they have done. Leaders who have constructive self-talk happen to be more effective than those with destructive self-talk.
Question 4
To be a good and successful team leader, one must possess the following characteristics:
* Good communication skills. The leader must be a good speaker and listener as well. This gives them an opportunity to listen to the various ideas of other team members to improve decision making.
* Good decision making skills. The team leader must be able to make quick and informed decisions to solve the situation at hand (Morgeson, DeRue, and Karam, 2010).
Shared leadership ensures ...
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