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Research Management Structure of Nike's Organization

Essay Instructions:

Analyzing your organization’s structure and address if it is an asset or a liability for your organization. Based on the readings and class discussions, make recommendation as to how it could be improved to increase organizational efficiencies.
1.Describe the current managment structure of Nike’s
organization, and the pros and cons of the structure, in details
2.Why does your organization use this
Evaluate whether the current structure is an asset or a liability. Make recommendation as to how it could be 
improved to increase organizational efficiencies
3.Assess if the current structure fosters or 
inhibits efficient and effective communication?

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Management Structure of Nike's Organization
Nike is a multinational company dedicated to designing, developing, manufacturing and selling of different types of shoes, recreational products and services in all parts of the world. The organization is known to be the leading producer and supplier of sports attires. Its headquarters are located in Washington County, Oregon in the United States of America (Rothaermel, 2015).
Organizational structure is the upright and flat configuration of departments, authority, and jobs within the organization. Nike's goal is to inspire and innovate sports people and athletes worldwide (Rothaermel, 2015).
The organizational structure points out the need to meet the different demands of their consumers to satisfactory worldwide in markets situated in different locations of the world. The company developed different strategies to address different market regions. Nike came up with an organizational structure so as to aid in regionalizing of business strategy. This strategy provides Nike suppleness for attending consumer's different preferences on sports attires in different markets at different regions of the world (Burgelman, 2016).
Nike's adopted a matrix kind of structure which is based on a geographical divisional organizational structure. The structure attempts to meet the demands of the company globally and regionally. The notable features of the Nike organization include; worldwide collaborate management, semi-autonomous geographic divisions and global divisions for converse and licensing of brands (Rothaermel, 2015).
The company has worldwide co-operated headship with co-operating managers. This manage owns offices in the company's headquarters situated in the Oregon United States of America. They make decision for the global organizational structure of the company and make it easy to implement the company's decisions
Semi-autonomous Geographic divisions are the segmentation of the operations of the company based on regional markets, and this makes the regional division's manager maximize operations in the marketing of sporting attires.
Global divisions for converse and brand licensing are the two global divisions developed by the organization. Global divisions for converse deals with converse brands while brand licensing is tasked with licensing (Burgelman, 2016). A global division is tasked with controlling the worldwide operations of Converse, and the other global division is mandated to license the Nike brand. This features of the organizational structure aids to manage brand licensing and converse operations.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Organizational Structure
The structure is essential as it brings the employees and managers together from different departments to work in unity geared towards attaining common organization goals. The organization goals are set and expected to be achieved in unison in co-operation of the members of the organization irrespective of the post one holds in the organization. Due to these set goals, all the human resource in the company has to unite and work in unison to achieve the set goals within the stipulated timelines. This matrix structure includes functional and divisional structures (Burgelman, 2016).

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