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Review Literature of Data Warehousing Trends Management Essay

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Review Literature of Data Warehousing Trends
Theory and Research: Results
Alhyasat, B., E., & Al-Dalahmeh, M. (2013). Data warehouse success and strategic orientedbusiness intelligence: A theoretical framework. Journal of Management Research, 5(3). Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1307/1307.7328.pdf
Purpose of this Source
The purpose of this article was to analyze leveraging of Big Data Models in decision making process for organizations.
Summary of the Contents
The article explores the relationship between data warehouses and business intelligence in decision-making process.
Relevance to the Topic
This article is significant for the topic because of its concern on data warehouses and business intelligence. Trends in data warehousing have to resonate with security and decision-making from managerial perspective.
The Unique Characteristics of this Source
The article uniquely addresses challenges of building reliable and efficient data warehouse. Developers have to navigate security risks while at the same time having in mind the end-user of the DW who is the manager and the organization in decision-making.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Source
The two researchers have clearly established research framework and identified their area of exploration. The article has taken a direct approach in responding to the research question. The only limitation is the choice of sources in the literature review section. The researchers have consulted sources that are more than twenty years old. This makes their work unreliable and obsolete in addressing current issues.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Source
The strength of this article is in how the researcher has understood and explored the topic. Even though there is no clear definition of the research question, the author has identified the problem of traditional data warehousing and explored it to the core using literature from other scholars. The consulted sources are at least one year old, implying that the data is up-to-date and relevant for the topic. The weakness of this article is in how the researcher has not identified the research question, making the study to appear too general.
Davarzani, H. & Norrman, A. (2015). Toward a relevant agenda for warehousing research: literature review and practitioners’ input. Logistics Resource, 8(:1). Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs12159-014-0120-1.pdf
Purpose of this Source
Darvazani and Norrman (2015) sought to explore the future of warehousing research work for research and academic purposes. This is a research article whose goal was to determine the depth of literature existing on the topic of warehousing.
Summary of the Contents
The article focuses on the future of research work on data warehousing. The study focuses on existing and future research on data warehousing and its application to practitioners in human resource management. The researchers analyze data from technological perspective and its practical implication for future in research and academic studies.
Relevance to the Topic
Darvazani and Norrman’s article is relevant to the study because it concentrates on research studies relevant to the study. The article addresses future research on the topic and its specific application to technologies behind data mining and management.
The Unique Characteristics of this Source
This article delves into application of data warehousing in future research and application to data warehousing. This is specifically important for the study which seeks to explain application of this study in data analytics.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Source
Darvazani and Norrman have introduced everything in the research abstract. They have then gone ahead to structurally analyze the identified areas in the body of the paper. The researchers have also introduced research methodologies and gone ahead to explain all variables and samples used in the study. Darvazani and Norrman have also explained the research problem before using relevant literature to solve it. The only weakness is that the resources cited in the literature review are not up-to-date. Some resources are as old as ten years, yet there have been technological changes all along.
Das, T., K. & Mahapatro, A. (2015). A study on big data integration with data warehouse. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), 9 (4), 188-192. Retrieved from http://ijcttjournal.org/Volume9/number-4/IJCTT-V9P137.pdf
Purpose of this Source
This study explores the methods of leveraging Big data in data warehouses.
Summary of the Contents
The article addresses technologies of handling Big Data including Hadoop technology. It also explores the limitations of Big Data technologies in data warehousing.
Relevance to the Topic
The article is relevant to the study because it addresses the issue of increasing data in this era and the increasing concern on data analysis and storage. The article looks at the emerging trends in data warehousing and how the new technology can be incorporated in traditional data warehouses.
The Unique Characteristics of this Source
This source is unique in the manner it looks at integration of data warehouses into traditional warehouses. The researchers argue that it is possible to leverage Big Data into traditional data warehouses.
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