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Management Essay: LER 100 Essay on Globalization

Essay Instructions:


Write an essay of between 750 and 1000 words

You must use appropriate APA guidelines when documenting those references.

When writing your submission you must relate your response to relevant concepts related to the lesson's readings. You are free to supplement the lesson's readings with sources from the web; however, you are not permitted to use Wikipedia as a source.

When saving your file use LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME as a naming scheme.

Upload your paper to the assignment submission box.

Essay Steps

Step 1: Choose one of the following countries:






Step 2: For the country you choose, write an essay describing:

Its colonial history

Its type of government

The size and demographic composition of its present workforce;

The types of industries in which the workforce is engaged

The extent to which the workforce is unionized

The three largest Multinational Companies that have locations in that country

The country’s dominant trading partners including the products it buys and sells

Step 3: Based on your research and your work in class throughout the semester,

Compare and contrast points 3, 4 and 5 with work in the United States.

You must document the sources of the information you use with sources that were published on or after 2018. Remember not to use Wikipedia as a source.


You will be graded to the degree you do so in a logical, coherent, substantive manner.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

LER 100 Essay on Globalization
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LER 100 Essay on Globalization
Mexico is one of the countries made up of 31 states and one federal district that is rich in tradition, history, and culture. The government is the third-largest across Latin America with one of the largest populations. Despite social and political shifts over the centuries, the country has evidence of past events and cultural practices. The people in Mexico have increased steadily since the occurrence of the Second World War. However, the distribution of wealth is still imbalanced. Mexico has a rich history and culture based on a wide variety of foods in the country. Mexico is one of the countries that have a large number of industries resulting in its economic development.
Colonial History
The Spanish conquest of Mexico toppled through the assistance of indigenous allies, which created New Spain as a political entity, and Mexico City emerged as the center of political rule. During the colonial period, European culture mixed with Mexico’s indigenous culture during the colonial period. Spanish conquerors allied with Tlaxcalan tribes, which resulted in Mexico’s emergence as a colony of Spain. During the colonial period, Tenochtitlan emerged as Mexico City as the old capital of the empire. The Spaniards built churches and palaces in their unique style, while the colonial powers destroyed old buildings and temples of the indigenous tribes.
Mexico experienced far-reaching cultural, demographic, and political changes during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The Spaniards subjugated indigenous tribes across Southern Mexico after they possessed the Aztec empire. Yutacan was the only area in Southern Mexico that offered indigenous resistance. Following the conquest, Spain imposed unique forms of colonial rule in response to the native traditions. The Mexican war of independence was one of the political processes and conflicts that lasted from 1808 to 1821, which led to Mexico’s independence from Spain. The political processes had far-reaching impacts across New Spain during the independence war.
Type of government
Mexico is one of the federal republics that comprise of the federal district and 31 states. According to the constitution, the government divides power among the executives, judicial, and legislative divisions. However, the president had effective control over the entire system during the 20th century. The 1917 constitution amendment guarantees civil liberties and personal freedom for Mexico’s political development (Wasserman, 2015). Mexico’s federal government emerged as the United Mexican states’ administrative power while the central government shared its sovereignty with Mexican states’ other governments. Considerably, the executive branch exercises its executive powers under the government’...
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