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Leadership Model Focusing on Ambitiousness, Honesty, Responsibility, and Love

Essay Instructions:

Utilize the feedback provided by your instructor from the Personal Model of Leadership - Part 1 assignment and make any changes or edits, as needed. You will include Part 1 in your finalized Personal Model of Leadership.
Additionally, in 500-750 words, address the following questions in your finalized Personal Model of Leadership.
1. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership influence individual and group behavior?
2. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership positively influence organizations and society?
3. How do servant leadership principles, in accordance with the Christian worldview, interact with essential management practices and how does servant leadership influence individual, group, and organizational behavior?
4. How does your personal model of leadership meet the needs of followers and promote follower growth?
Combine Part 1 and the results of this topic assignment to create one finalized paper of 1,500-2,250 words that represents your personal model of leadership.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Model of Leadership
Institution Affiliation
Part I
Personal Model of Leadership
A personal leadership model requires considering different levels such as society, organization, interpersonal and individual values. The model is essential since it effectively aligns each action to specific values. It also involves aligning values and behaviors to show ways to satisfy the followers adequately. Therefore, it is essential for an effective personal leadership model to focus on firm and reliable values that can successfully meet the leadership goals, objectives, and strategic direction. Rokeach’s value survey plays a significant role in helping individuals choose and classify their values to meet their leadership desires (Tuulik et al., 2016). My leadership model will focus on four significant values: ambitiousness, honesty, responsibility, and love.
Individual Level (Ambitiousness)
Based on the individual level, my value is ambitiousness. Ambitiousness is a strong leadership value that specifically focuses on the strong desire to achieve a specific goal and objective. The value is essential as a leader since any leader must show their commitment in assisting the followers to reach a specific target (Tuulik et al., 2016). An ambitious leader is also critical since they aspire for better direction, which would create a better working environment. I strongly believe that a leader should be ambitious to encourage the followers towards a strategic direction. A leader should also be ambitious to sail through leadership challenges encountered to motivate the followers towards a given direction. Therefore, I strongly believe that the value is paramount to ensuring a reliable leadership style.
Different leadership behaviors and actions result from the value since it is an internal driver of goal achievement. The key behaviors include acting confidently and creating a multidirectional move, and I adequately conform to a direction that positively benefits the population. The meaning and the purpose of the value allow everyone to recognize me as an ambitious leader, making it easy to work diligently with them. Additionally, ambitiousness majorly relates to servant leadership, allowing a leader to incorporate the followers in specific actions suitable for higher performance and growth. It allows a leader to act towards the followers’ expectations and make the collective decision for success (Tuulik et al., 2016). My key strength at the individual level is that ambitiousness allows me to embrace a positive environment beneficial for the followers actively. Therefore, being ambitious strengthens me towards working with large groups of individuals.
Interpersonal Level (Honesty)
Honesty is also a key value in leadership. I have chosen honesty at the interpersonal level due to its significant aspect in encouraging successful leadership. It is the ability to practice fairness and uprightness in all the endeavors and avoid any possibility of biases that would jeopardize their actions of leading the team diligently. It is necessary to focus on honesty since it creates sincerity and truthfulness between leaders and followers. Any honest leader finds it easy to work with the team since possible disagreements in terms of behaviors are less. It also allows individuals to have freedom of fraud or deceit, making leadership successful (Ogunfowora & Bourdage, 2014). Therefore, it means that a leader who adequately enhances honesty would adequately limit leadership challenges and easily meet leadership goals and objectives.
The key leadership action and behavior that result from honesty is leading the followers through truthfulness with no bias. It is necessary to be true while articulating the promises to the team and the positivity of the relationship. It is also necessary to focus on suitable frameworks that will limit followers’ doubts. I always uphold honesty while working with my team to ensure a positive connection and a fair environment. I ensure I follow up on all the duties allocated to the team with honesty and without any favor. The key meaning and purpose for the value are being recognized for honesty. The value correlates to servant leadership since honesty creates an effective interactive environment between the leader and the followers (Burke, 2017). Honesty allows me to reduce any false narratives that may jeopardize the leadership style. Lastly, it also creates a justified environment that adequately engages the followers, leading to leadership success.
Organizational Level (Responsible)
Any organization requires a responsible leader who can successfully deliver without any limitations. I have chosen organizational responsibility as a critical value in determining the direction and actions for higher organizational performance. A responsible leader enables an organization to perform and achieve better results highly. My quest for responsible leadership is paramount since it leads to effective coordination between the followers and leaders, resulting in organizational profitability or growth. Therefore, the value positively impacts organizational direction.
Based on the leadership behavior and action on the value, every leader must embrace higher organizational performance. The value promotes positive engagement of the followers to enhance performance. Lastly, based on the meaning and purpose of the leadership, it is necessary to justify that responsibility is a key element in d...
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