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Leadership and Team Building Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Putting yourself in the shoes of your classmates, your project team members, and your professors, please honestly. Answer this question:

What were the key contributions that you’ve made to the learning, development and growth of others over these past few weeks as team member and as a class leader? In other words: what we learn from you?

My personal leadership transformation insight actions & outcomes

Please answer this three-part question in three paragraphs structured as follows:

1. What was your single biggest take-way from this course (your greatest insight)

2. What is the main thing you arguing to work on, or do differently from now on as result of taking this course (the most. Important action you are going to take)

3. Overall, how has this course helped you become a better team member and more effective leader( I.e., what was the most powerful and significant outcome?)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership and Team Building
Student’s Name
Leadership and Team Building
Over the past weeks, attending the class on leadership and team building has been very informative. I had the chance to contribute to the learning, development, and growth of my other team members. As a team member, I contributed to discussions by giving honest opinions on the issues at hand. I answered questions that were asked openly and to the best of my knowledge. I portrayed a positive personal style such that it made me very approachable with the rest of the team. To my teammates who had tasks to do concerning the class, I offered my full support to ensure they were successful in their presentations. Being action-oriented was a choice I made. It helped members move forward with whatever task was at hand during the course. As a leader, I provided clear direction to the rest of the class to ensure they knew which way the class was to be conducted. I was clear with my communication such that the rest of the team were aware of what was needed of them to ensure success in the course. Lastly, I made sure to motivate and inspire the class by always being optimistic and positive about the outcomes of the course.
The biggest takeaway for me in this course was that to be able to maximize individual performance, one needed to communicate effectively within the team. At the same time, they ought to be able to give quality feedback to other team members. Communication on who does what and within which specified time was key for success. It should be very clear, simple, and be devoid of any brevity. When one is fully aware of what is expected of them, they are more likely to operate at optimum levels. One of the biggest hindrances to effective communication was to make assumptions when passing information. This should be avoided at all costs. Giving feedback, which is to give back a review for a certain activity, process or outcome, was very insightful. That for it to count, it had to be timely and very objective. It may be difficult to give feedback, but I learned that avoiding it proved to be even worse. There are many methods of giving feedback; however, one method I was...
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