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Laudon & Laudon (2021) state “The Internet and Internet technology make it possible to move from sequential supply chains…to concurrent supply chains.” (p.380). Given this statement, critically assess how companies effectively make use of available technologies to efficiently manage their supply chains and provide a superior value proposition to their customers. Your answer should also consider any potential or actual associated difficulties and/or issues.

Essay Instructions:
Laudon & Laudon (2021) state “The Internet and Internet technology make it possible to move from sequential supply chains…to concurrent supply chains.” (p.380). Given this statement, critically assess how companies effectively make use of available technologies to efficiently manage their supply chains and provide a superior value proposition to their customers. Your answer should also consider any potential or actual associated difficulties and/or issues.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Transformations of Internet and Internet Technology on Supply Chain Management Author’s Name: Institution of Affiliation: Course Name: Instructor’s Name Date: Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc164986562 \h 3Findings PAGEREF _Toc164986563 \h 3Analysis of Statement PAGEREF _Toc164986564 \h 3Evaluation of Technology in Supply Chains PAGEREF _Toc164986565 \h 4Value Proposition Analysis PAGEREF _Toc164986566 \h 5Challenges and Issues PAGEREF _Toc164986567 \h 7Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc164986568 \h 10References PAGEREF _Toc164986569 \h 11 Transformations of Internet and Internet Technology on Supply Chain Management Introduction In the current digital era, businesses have been looking for ways to improve their competitive advantage. Even though there are different ways to boost competitive advantage, one way that businesses have employed is by looking for ways to manage their stock. Most organizations are, therefore, using supply chain management, which involves managing the flow of goods, finances, and data from the raw materials procurement to the product delivery at its final destination. In the current digital era, the main role of supply chain management is to help manufacturers produce goods and services that meet the existing market demand. On the other hand, it helps retailers minimize excess inventory, reducing the cost of storing these products. Supply chain management will help attain successful sales and marketing since it will help make the right quality products available at the right time and place. The paper will analyze the transformations of Internet and Internet technology on supply chain management, its value proposition analysis, and challenges and issues resulting from the improved technology. Findings Analysis of Statement Laudon & Laudon (2021) claim that the Internet and Internet technology have helped to adjust from sequential to concurrent supply chains is outstanding. For example, previously, organizations used sequential supply chains to move sequentially from team to team or from organization to organization. However, the Internet has helped information move in different directions simultaneously among the supply chain network members, boosting efficiency. Moreover, it has increased collaboration among the stakeholders since the information is shared in real time, reducing confusion that can cause conflicts. The available technologies have helped effectively manage the supply chains while offering customers outstanding services. The automotive industry is one of the many industries that have employed a concurrent supply chain model. For example, Toyota has employed a Just-In-Time system (Batth, 2021). This system has helped Toyota to have real-time inventory management, which has helped it to reduce waste. Nevertheless, although this shift had some benefits, overdependence on technology has some issues. For example, the challenge of real-time delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the supply chain, making most businesses suffer. The other challenge is the concurrent supply may not be favorable to small businesses that cannot afford the cost of implementation and maintenance. Evaluation of Technology in Supply Chains Companies have employed the Internet and other related technologies to optimize their supply chains. For example, companies have been using the Internet to maintain quality control within the organization. The common devices include the IOT sensors and monitoring devices. Since there is a risk of damaged goods in transit, these devices help to confirm the quality of the goods in transit and then communicate to the relevant authorities. Quality control is normally conducted using varying sensors that analyze the critical parameters, making the goods in transit safe and secure. Amazon is a company that has employed the Internet of Things (Ivankova et al., 2020). This feature has helped Amazon improve its process of automating its house management. Furthermore, it has helped to create a more efficient and cheaper supply chain. Other companies have also used the Internet for risk mitigation. Supply management is one of the riskiest processes since it involves managing the flow of goods, some of which are perishable. Using internet technology helps supply chain experts communicate in case of delay and highlight what is causing the delay. For instance, there are instances where the IoT analyzes the last shipment data recorded in the IoT tools. For example, these tools collect information about the weather, traffic, and possible accidents. This analysis has helped IoT devices to have flexible plans to mitigate the risks that could have been unforeseen. For instance, managers can promptly receive notices for shipment delays and the reason behind them, helping them look for the correct route. One company that has employed IoT is Volvo (Aydınocak, 2022). One of the investments is developing a commercial truck with sensor technology showing when it requires maintenance. The following process will happen through the wireless network, where the truck collects data through sensors. This process will reduce the risk incurred due to delayed truck maintenance. Value Proposition Analysis Internet technology has offered its customers real-time visibility. Businesses use advanced analytics, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The following technologies usually offer the organization real-time visibility about the production process, transportation, and inventory level. This move has helped most organizations anticipate demands, respond to disruptions, and optimize inventory levels. The organizations have, therefore, increased customer satisfaction resulting from timely deliveries. Furthermore, since it has increased the customers' reliability, it has helped boost customer loyalty in these businesses. Internet technology has also helped improve predictive analytics. Companies are currently combining predictive analytics algorithms with big data. Amazon is one organization that employs big data and analytics (Alrumiah & Hadwan, 2021). These technologies help forecast demand accurately. Moreover, they help to identify the potential risks and bottlenecks within the supply chain, helping the company to employ the right measures to mitigate them. For example, they help...
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