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Journal Writing Paper: Well-Developed Leadership Skills

Essay Instructions:

Journal Writing

For this assignment, you will be asked to integrate information from the readings, class

discussion/activities and/or your experience to generate reflective, critical, and insightful thinking. For

instance, you can discuss what contradicts or aligns with your previous knowledge or life/work

experience, what you want to learn more about this topic, or how you can use the knowledge in your

career, etc. Journals that merely “list” research findings will be considered as low-quality journal. Choose topics that are covered in Exam 3 (Journal 3)Please see exemplary journals on UB learns and grading

rubric for the journal. (typed, single spaced, Times New Roman,12-point font size)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Skills
Date of submission
Leadership Skills
Personal and professional successes are not just a reflection of hard work as many people may seem to understand. However, these kinds of successes can also be derived from well-developed leadership skills. Initially, when I joined the institution, in most cases, I tended to be a reserved student and rigid usually avoiding opinions of any kind. Contrarily, after attending lessons, discussions and getting involved in teamwork, I have been noting numerous advantages of flexibility. Transformational style of leadership is effective when one applies leadership skills coupled with theories such as trait and behavioral theories coupled with models for motivation.
The current management and leadership of different enterprises that implement the transformational leadership style use interpersonal skills in their leadership styles. Effective implementations of such styles require valuing of the employees and associate leaders as well as team development. These cultivate positive and mature relationship, as well as diminish the authoritarianism culture with numerous barriers to change and development (Northouse, 2001). To showcase, in the setup of the enterprise where I am currently attached, the top management encourages improved productivity due to the effective application of leadership styles. These approaches involve association of the staffs which include transformational leadership, coupled with different kind leadership theories that I have learned in lectures. For example, a personal trait theory, in particular, has been beneficial since it unfolds the true traits of a leader. Such kinds of traits ensure that only the right people can be selected based on their extraversion characters, conscientiousness, empathy and dynamic (Northouse, 2001). I have been able to successfully apply the lead-member exchange theory within the team based activities as I link my personal compatibilities and competence with other people. The incorporation of both in the group and out group members at meetings has led to improved valuing of the association of leaders, who has groomed my skills as well as led to the development of positive relations with others.Furthermore, I have developed much confidence and become more responsible in every aspect of leadership role I engage in. Thus, it has encouraged me to develop more of positive attitude and having a feel of value in the enterprise (Northouse, 2001).
A successful implementation of leadership skills, especially when following transformational leadership style has not been smooth. In fact, I have to admit that my initial experience in such a position was a bigger challenge. The first challenge was facing the immediate risk of treatment by fellow employees (Dessler, 2004). I was ...
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