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The IoT Application Time-series

Essay Instructions:

* Write a Research Method based on the topic (IoT in Smart Cities), the topic will be attached

* Write only about the highlighted section.

Begin writing here…


☐ Begin with an introduction and restatement of the problem and purpose sentences verbatim. [NU1] 

☒ Provide a brief overview of the contents of this chapter, including a statement that identifies the research methodology and design.

Research Methodology and Design[NU2] 

Begin writing here…


☒ Describe the research methodology and design. Elaborate upon their appropriateness in relation to the study problem, purpose, and research questions.

☒ Identify alternative methodologies and designs and indicate why they were determined to be less appropriate than the ones selected. Do not simply list and describe research methodologies and designs in general.

Population[NU3]  and Sample

Begin writing here…


☐ Describe the population, including the estimated size and relevant characteristics.

☐ Explain why the population is appropriate, given the study problem, purpose, and research questions.

☐ Describe the sample that will be (proposal) or was (manuscript) obtained.

☐ Explain why the sample is appropriate, given the study problem, purpose, and research questions.

☐ Explain the type of sampling used and why it is appropriate for the dissertation proposal methodology and design.[NU3]  For qualitative studies, evidence must be presented that saturation will be (proposal) or was (manuscript) reached. For quantitative studies, a power analysis must be reported to include the parameters (e.g., effect size, alpha, beta, and number of groups) included, and evidence must be presented that the minimum required sample size will be (proposal) or was (manuscript) reached.

☐ Describe how the participants will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) recruited (e.g., email lists from professional organizations, flyers) and/or the data will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) obtained [NU4] (e.g., archived data, public records) with sufficient detail so the study could be replicated.      

Materials or Instrumentation[NU5] [NU6] 

Begin writing here…


☐ Describe the instruments (e.g., tests, questionnaires, observation protocols) that will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) used, including information on their origin and evidence of their reliability and validity. OR as applicable, describe the materials to be used (e.g., lesson plans for interventions, webinars, or archived data, etc.).

☐ Describe in detail any field testing or pilot testing of instruments to include their results and any subsequent modifications. [NU7] 

☐ If instruments or materials are used that were developed by another researcher, include evidence in the appendix that permission was granted to use the instrument(s) and/or material(s) and refer to that fact and the appendix in this section.[NU7] 

 [NU1]You can copy and paste from your Chapter 1.

 [NU2]Tip: The Academic Success Center has a weekly group session on Writing Research Design. Learn more about this session and find the link to register here.

 [NU3]Tip: Depending on the study design, the population might include but not be limited to a group of people, a set of organizations, documents, or archived data.

 [NU4]Tip: Many qualitative and mixed methods studies require multiple sources of data. Describe how the data will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) obtained from each source.

 [NU5]Tip: In quantitative studies, the development of a new instrument is discouraged due to the time and skills required to create a valid and reliable instrument. A thorough and extensive search of the literature should be done to locate an appropriate psychometrically sound instrument. However, if such an instrument is not located after a thorough search, and you plan to develop a new instrument, consult survey item and instrument development resources and plan piloting and validation procedures. Describe the development process in detail and provide evidence of the instrument’s validity and reliability. Include the final instrument developed based on those findings. The evidence of validity and reliability should be reported in Chapter 4.


In qualitative studies, using a newly developed interview protocol based on the literature is more common and acceptable. Describe the development process in detail followed by the field testing processes used and subsequent modification made.

 [NU6]Select the heading that reflects which of the two you will be doing.

 [NU7]Verify with the IRB whether permission is needed or a pilot application needs to be completed. Locate IRB resources here.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Chapter 3: Research Method
Begin writing here…
☐ Begin with an introduction and restatement of the problem and purpose sentences verbatim.
☒ Provide a brief overview of the contents of this chapter, including a statement that identifies the research methodology and design.
The IoT application time-series will be used as the most appropriate measurement of the impact of IoT’s performance. The application’s performance will be measured using a time series by measuring the error rates and the average response time after reporting such anomalies. The error rates of water leakages and inappropriate use of power (failures per month), and the response time (time taken to rectify), will help assess how effective the application is in rectifying such incidents. Therefore, the study targets four different units of value: water usage (M3), power consumption (kW), error rates (failures per month), and response time (time taken to rectify).
Research Methodology and Design
This section presents the main methodology that will be used in the analysis of the study on application of IoT devices in the smart city. It will explain the data collection procedure based on research questions, which will encompass the sample of the study. The data will then be processed, analyzed, and interpreted. The study will assess the electricity and water usage in 12 households for a period of 6 months. The study will be organized into two phases, where the first phase will take 3 months and the second phase will also take three months. Of the 12 households, six of them will serve as the experimental group, while the rest will serve as the control group. In the first three months, non of the groups will be subjected to any treatment. Instead, the researchers will collect data on electricity and water consumption, as well as the amount of garbage dumped. After the three months, six households will be identified, where the smart technologies will be fitted to track the electricity and water usage. Besides, the technology will also be fitted to help in collecting data regarding garbage amounts accumulated for a specific period.
The six households will be further classified into three groups containing two households each. This division will help to reduce the complexity and challenges involved in using the smart technologies. One of the three groups will be used in assessing electicity consumption, the second group will help in the assessment of water consumption, and the last group will help in determining garbage collection. Each of the three groups will be matched to a control group that will also comprise two individuals per group.
The study will use RFIDs and WSNs to automate electricity and water regulation processes. In this case, the households identified for power consumption measurement will be have an RFID and WSN installed and the participants provided a sensor that will notify them about the power consumption. Among the other roles that the system will play will be to notify the operators about any unswitched off lights or any other unnecessary power usage. For example, when the participants are in their living room, the app will notify them about a kitchen light or one of the bedroom lights that is operating without anyone using it. The owner will the be able to switch it off.
In measuring water consumption, the RFID sensor would be fitted on the water meter with sensors on each of the taps around the household of the participant. The sensors would then detect any water flow in form of a free-flow or drops and notify the owners regarding the flow. The participant would then be expected to take appropriate measures to rectify any faulty taps or switch off the water for taps that are not well closed. Such measures would minimize wastage and hence conserve the water. The research would assess the amount of water the participant was consuming in leters on a monthly basis and compare it with the consumption after installation of the smart technology.
The garbage quantity will also be assessed using the same RFID sensor devices, in which the technology will be installed onto the garbage containers to assess the amount of garbage that the target household collects. The participants will be sensitized on the importance of proper garbage disposal before the onset of the experiment.
Several other studies exist on the application of IoT in various sectors. These applications have often been accompanied by a discussion of the challenges and opportunities concerning the deployment of a given group of technologies. Swan (2012) conducted a study on the IoT, wearable computing, objective metrics, and the quantiied self. The author provided insights on the new data literacy behavior such as the use of correlation assessment, anomaly detection, and high-frequency data processing in generating meaning. While the approach provides significant insights on the use of these technologies, the author does no explain how these devices can be fitted into the households and how they can help regulate wastage. Talari et al. (2017) provides an inclusive review on the concept of the smart city besides the focus on applications, benefits, and advanages. The authors discuss the possibility of utilizing different technologies in the smart city and merging them to synchronize their operations. While the authors provide invaluable information on the sensors and networks that this study utilizes, their study does not delve into the specifics of how these devices can help obtain the actual measurement of the electricity and water consumption.
Measurement of the amount of garbage from each household is the rarest study because of the complexity of the study. First, it will be necessary to teach the respondents about the importance of proper waste disposal to ensure that they dispose all their wastes in the collection bin. Once the team has been sensitized concerning proper disposal measures, the researcher will guide them accordingly on where to dispose their wastes. Once they understand why and where they need to dispose their wastes, the researcher will focus on encouraging them to consider separating the garbage into recycleables and non-recycleables. Aba and Light (2020) present a study on environmental sanitation by using an IoT-based framework to monitor waste and develop a suitable control system. The authors note the need to monitor and control garbage to ensure a clean and healthy environment. In the study, the authors present a design and implementation of IoT-based Ard...
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