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Interview Plan For the Industry Newcomer

Essay Instructions:


Interview Plan For the Industry Newcomer

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this assignment:

HR400-3: Analyze candidates through the use of interview questions.

Introduction: There are a variety of interview types, each serving a different purpose. In this assignment, you will develop an interview plan for an organization to determine which types of interviews to use.

Address all the items in the checklist below in a 2–3-page paper based on the following scenario:

Scenario (fictional): You are a consultant hired to assist Healthy-Prep Meal (HPM) with their interview plan. HPM is a new company that is a local meal provider catering to clients with specific dietary needs or health goals in two major cities, Los Angeles and New York. They have mostly corporate clients and cater daily meals and corporate events. They will be hiring dieticians, chefs, and sales professionals. You have been assigned to develop an interview plan to determine which types of interviews will be used at Healthy-Prep.

Address the following in your interview plan:


Analyze the candidates’ skills and abilities for the three different jobs they will need for the scenario company positions.

Categorize the interview type you suggest the organization uses for each of the three positions for which they are hiring. Explain why you are suggesting these interview types.

Analyze how you will ensure the interviewers will have the appropriate interviewing skills.

Provide three competency questions for the core stage of the interview for one of the three positions.

Analyze and explain how the questions asked will help to hire the right candidates for the jobs.

Access the Unit 6 Assignment grading rubric.

Additional requirements:

This assignment should be a 2–3 page Word document, in addition to the title and reference pages.

It must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics.

Respond to the topics in a thorough manner, providing specific examples where asked.

Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.

Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.

A separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references in current APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the Internet for research.

Be sure to cite where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow current APA format. Review the APA formats found in the Writing Center.

Review the grading rubric to ensure all points have been captured in the paper.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Be sure to respond to all topics using the critical elements listed in the assignment checklist. Submit your assignment in a Word document by the end of the unit to the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Interview Plan For the Industry Newcomer
In selecting candidates for different positions, interviews play a significant role. According to Stewart and Brown (2020), interviews help recruiters determine whether a candidate is fit for the specific job and the organization. Thus, it is essential to ensure that the proper interview plan is developed to ensure the type of interview used and the interview questions asked meet the human resources needs of an organization. This paper aims to develop an interview plan that Healthy-Prep Meal (HPM) can use to hire dieticians, chefs, and sales professionals.
The candidates for each position should have several key skills and abilities as follows:
* Ability to instruct clients on the best diet plans as well as other aspects of nutrition that meet the clients’ dietary needs
* Analytical and problem-solving skills to help establish what are the best food choices for HPM clients
* Communication and listening skills
* Culinary skills
* Ability to apply nutritional knowledge
* Culinary skills
* Ability to plan clients’ meals ahead of time
* Ability to manage time and multitask
* Creativity with the menu while still maintaining the recommended nutritional value of meals.
* Ability to develop recipes
* Teamwork
* Communication skills because they have to provide clear instructions to other kitchen staff
Sales Professionals
* Good knowledge of HPM services/products
* Interpersonal skills
* Ability to convince clients why they should invest in HPM services
* Communication skills
* Rapport-building skills
* Negotiation and presentation skills
* Ability to work under pressure and meet sales targets
Organizations can use various approaches to interview candidates. According to Atiku and Fapohunda (2021), organizations use structured, semi-structured, and unstructured interviews to identify the best candidate for advertised positions. HPM should use structured interviews when interviewing dieticians. Specifically, the company should use a panel interview, which is a type of structured interview, to identify the best candidate. Ansari (2021) reveals that panel interviews allow the candidate to be interviewed by more than one person at the same time, and the answers to the interview questions are already pre-determined. This will ensure that dieticians are interviewed by the HR manager, a nutritional expert, and a client affairs manager, among others. The company should use unstructured interviews when interviewing chefs. Specifically...
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