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Instrumental and Terminal Values and Their Link to the Hierarchy and Leadership Style

Essay Instructions:

Utilize the results from the "Rokeach Values Survey" that you completed in Topic 2.
Submit a 500-750 word reflection that identifies your values hierarchy and explains the significance it might have on your leadership style.
Your reflection must include:
An identification and explanation of your top three instrumental values.
An explanation of how your top three instrumental values fit within the values hierarchy.
An explanation of the significance of the top three instrumental values on the approach to leadership.
An identification and explanation of your top three terminal values.
An explanation of how your top three terminal values fit within the values hierarchy.
An explanation of the significance of the top three terminal values on the approach to leadership.
All content sections of your assignment should have supporting citations to strengthen your claims.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Rokeach Values Survey Reflection
Institution Affiliation
Rokeach Values Survey Reflection
The reflection is based on two categories, the instrumental and terminal values. Instrumental values are essential and focus on the modes of behavior (Tuulik et al., 2016). They can be linked to instruments that are necessary for achieving terminal values. On the other hand, the terminal values are related to desired end states which one would like to accomplish in the long run. The reflection focuses on highly ranked values and their link to the hierarchy and leadership style.
Instrumental Values
The top-ranked instrumental values include honesty, love, and independence. Honesty is the ability to practice fairness and uprightness in all endeavors and avoid any possibility of biases that would jeopardize their actions of leading the team diligently (Ogunfowora & Bourdage, 2014). Loving is necessary and involves conducting specific actions wholeheartedly. Lastly, independence makes essential decisions without heavily relying on other groups. Therefore, instrumental values are valuable for enhanced leadership and growth.
Instrumental Values and Values Hierarchy
The top three instrumental values fit within the hierarchy since they are critical, and doing without them would jeopardize instrumental goals. For instance, honesty is ranked at the top since sincere and truthful values attain critical goals (Tuulik et al., 2016). I heavily embrace honesty since it promotes justice. Secondly, love is a crucial value that shapes one’s ideology in achieving important goals, thus instrumental for goal achievement. The third rank is independence since it determines the ability to make tangible goals, allowing one to take a specific direction.
Instrumental Values and Leadership
The top three identified values would impact my leadership style in different ways, for instance, honesty. For example, any honest leader finds it easy to work with the team since possible disagreements in terms of behaviors are less (Ogunfowora & Bourdage, 2014). Therefore, I would positively engage the team through honesty. Love would allow me to meet the critical desires of the followers, while independence wo...
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