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The Impact of the Amazon's Shipping Company Expansion

Essay Instructions:

Senior Research Project Midterm Examination (10 points)

Please read the midterm exam questions very carefully before completing the exam ( no personal pronouns should be included in review of the items below). The focus of this midterm is on the work that has been completed in the research study that students have developed in the class.

Question 1 – 2.50 points

  1. Cut and paste your problem statement and discuss why you used the three sources in the problem statement. (1.50 points) (one paragraph for statement, one paragraph for discussion of sources)


  1. Identify and list all of the secondary sources that you have used in the problem statement and discuss how the secondary sources that you have used will make your problem statement more persuasive (1 point) (one paragraph)

Question 2 – 3 points

Write the literature review for three of the variables in your study.  Each review must have a minimum of three academic journals.  The address must not have any personal pronouns and must follow the format that was provided in class. Clearly state the research questions for the variables that you select to discuss and write the literature review. (3 points)  (3/4 page for each variable address).

       Question 3- Theoretical Framework (4.5 points)

  1. Discuss the theory that you will be using in your research paper.  Identify why the theory is the best fit for your research and discuss how the theory is linked to each of the variables in your study. (2 points) (1 page plus illustration)


  1. Provide an illustration to indicate how the theory relates to the variables (dependent and independent variables in your study. (1 point) (label illustration and discuss in a paragraph below illustration)
Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Impact of the Amazon's Shipping Company Expansion
Due Date
Literature Review
Question 1 (a)
At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, Amazon ramped up its logistic services to adjust to the growing numbers of home deliveries during the lockdown. Green (2020) claims that Amazon leased more than 12 Boeing cargo planes to add to its fleet of more than 80 cargo planes. The revamping of Amazon logistic company helps Amazon fulfill customers' orders more efficiently by reducing the delivery time to a day. Older players such as UPS, DHL, and FedEx have long dominated the logistics industry. Amazons' s entry gives Amazon an edge in the gain logistic market share. Over the years, Amazon has been building its logistics capabilities, and the Covid-19 pandemic forced the company to fast-track its logistics ambitions (Herrera, 2021). With a sophisticated supply chain, the company stands to beat its competitors in fulfilling customers' orders, especially during the holiday season. According to eMarketer, the expansion gives Amazon a significant advantage during the holiday season, when sales are expected to jump by 35.8 percent (Green 2020). Apart from the added fleet, Amazon recruited 400,000 employees during the pandemic to serve in the fulfillment centers and warehouses (Green 2020). The clogging of the supply chain due to the pandemic provided Amazon with a massive opportunity to improve its logistics capabilities as consumers resorted to third-party sellers (Brehm, 2013). Therefore, investment in human capital is a big win in supply chain operations.
The first reason behind the choice of these sources is it provided an in–depth knowledge about the hidden dynamics that exist in the logistics industry that probably are given less attention, for instance, the hidden risks in the supply chain. In addition, the source explains what is already be discovered but puts it into relevance with the significant global events such as the pandemic that touched the core of logistics. The second reason is that the sources provide background of the research. The sources provided an outlook of Amazon’s logistic capabilities and what it has been doing to improve these capabilities. Moreover, the sources shade light on Amazon’s competitiveness against competition. Another reason for choosing the sources is that provide gaps that still require in-depth study. The sources showed knowledge gaps that about Amazon that need to be explored.
Question 1 (b)
The first secondary source is “Brehm, D. (2022). Hidden risk in supply chains. MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, From https://news.mit.edu/2013/hidden-risk-in-supply-chains-1216”. The named source helps write a persuasive problem statement it details hidden risk in supply chain that is often overlooked and has been least explored. Furthermore, it offers a rare glimpse of the supply chain side that is so sensitive about low probability yet disruptive events. The second secondary source is “Greene, J. (2020). Amazon’s big holiday shopping advantage: An in-house shipping network swollen by pandemic-fuelled growth.washingtonpost.com. From /technology/2020/11/27/amazon-shipping-competitive-threat/.” The source provides a convincing argument since, it gives generally accepted facts, emerging and current state of affairs about Amazon. Therefore, making it to fit to the problem statement. The third source was “Herrera, S. (2021). Amazon Builds Out Network to Speed Delivery, Handle Holiday Crunch. WSJ. Retrieved 21 March 2022, from /articles/amazon-builds-out-network-to-speed-delivery-handle-holiday-crunch-11638181801”. This last source will also give a fresh touch on what has been happening recently. The source may convey how knowledge has changed over time.
Question 2
The aim of this study is to explore the financial impact of Amazon’s expansion of its supply chains. Sukati.et al, (2012) argue that the integration of a responsive of a supply chain in an organization has a strong correlation with competitive advantage. Herrera, (2021) agrees that the revamping of the Amazon supplier chain is sta...
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