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Synthesize Ideas to Improve Project Outcomes

Essay Instructions:

Build on your earlier assignments in this class to create a consolidated view of project management to adjust to change and agility while remaining conducive to project success in the technology information and innovation field. Do not rely on copying earlier content but focus on an integrated response that uses critical thinking and synthesis to achieve an overview of the entire course. The content must rely on scholarly sources focused on research. This signature assignment should also include the identification of one or two areas where one should consider further research, leading to improved outcomes. Include brief details of the potential research process, method, and the implications for practice.

Support your paper with at least fourteen (14) scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, you can add other appropriate scholarly and quality practitioner resources, including older articles.

Length: 9-12 pages, not including title and reference pages.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.

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Improved Project Management Process
The IT industry is identified as one that has difficulties when it comes to the practice of attaining project success. The challenge is anticipated to progress as a variety of businesses experience accelerated together with revolutionary type of change which is driven by the art of technological associated innovation together with globalization involving businesses and also economic related pressures. Research dealing with project success has attained a prominent reason for the experience of failure is associated with both the executives together with the project associated team failure to undertake appreciation involving the level of identified uncertainty and also complexity. In addition, it is due to failure to undertake proper and appropriate communication (Ter, 2010). Therefore, it is evident that innovative thinking is considered necessary for an integrative model involving best practice concerned frameworks, identified principles and various theories to comprehend the mannerism in which to increase the capability involving organizations in order to attain IT related project success.
The essay concisely and precisely seeks to answer the prevailing question which involves improvement of Information Technology associated projects with an aim of advancing the capability to offer delivery of successful projects (Hoverstadt, 2010). It involves a well prepared literature review accessed from secondary sources which includes two famous best practices concerned frameworks, PMBoK together with ITIL.
A project management associated methodology is considered to be one that ought to be integrated into all of the identified areas involving an organization in order to attain maximum effectiveness. The various areas include organizational structure together with culture, portfolio management; operations associated management, and also resource management. The traditional identified success concerned criteria involving scope, schedule and the aspect of cost are considered to be insufficient (McKinty, 2016). Projects ought to be observed from an entirely complete service associated lifestyle point of view together with performance concerned measurements which are considered to measure projects on the basis of business value.
Change management is considered to be a systematic kind of model that is used in dealing with change that comes from both the point of view involving an organization together with the individual. Change management is also taken to possess three distinct aspects which are adaption to change, management of the change and effecting the identified change. A proactive kind of approach that is necessary in handling change is taken to be at the core of all of the mentioned distinct aspects. Taking a look at Information Technology, the term change management is used to refer to a systematic model that is used in order to keep track of all of the mentioned details involving the system. Successful adaption in relation to change is taken to be as vital within any organization as it is globally. It especially important in carrying out successful and improved project management associated with IT concept and innovation. Project management is taken to be the type of discipline which is associated with initiation, planning, execution, management and finalizing of the tasks performed by a team in an attempt to attain particular goals and objectives in order to meet particular success criteria. The basic challenge associated with any project management is to attain the entire given project objectives within the institute constraints (Christensen, 1997).
There is pressure that is put on IT related organizations due to the changing world involving business which is driven by great and rapid associated technological innovation and economic pressures which are felt globally. Therefore it is vital to note that IT concerned projects require unique methodologies and also frameworks. The integrated project is taken to be a conceptual type of pare that has utilized secondary sources (Kniberg, 2010). A concise literature reviewed was undertaken on IT associated project achievement utilizing research in he identified management areas involving both project management and also operations management. The scope involving the research involves specialized institutions like the PMI that is located in the US, books, consultation of organizational websites and also AU library databases. The chief aim of the following conducted research is to attain a comprehension of the manner in which frameworks, theories, and methodologies and also principles can be applied in order to achieve success in relation to an identified type of IT project.
Literature Review and Analysis
The following literature will make a draw on a variety of disciplines which includes project management, lean together with agile associated principles, IT service concerned management, complexity science and last but not least theory involving constraints. The main objective is to offer provision of context in relation to the main research together with the use of research associated questions (Creasey, 2003). In addition, it offers an examination of the associated underlying concepts and also appropriate practices.
ITIL is considered to have five major areas which address an IT related service lifestyle and they are service strategy, service transition, identified continuous service improvement, service design and last but not least there is service operations. The following research has its focus on the art of service transition that is within the field of Release and also changes management. The mentioned areas are taken to be the major processes in which interdependencies that exist between project and also service associated management practices are closely applied. Service Transition is considered to offer guidelines associated with the development, advancement together with transitioning involving new and also changed identified service into operations (Anderson, 2012). It is taken to encompass the various activities which are performed in the identified project immediately after the identified design in relation to the operational associated touch points involving transforming it into the art of production. In addition, the popular PMBoK identified framework is known to offer the most appropriate practices and also guidelines involved in a series of projects in many industries globally. It is therefore important to utilize adequate and good methodologies in regard to the project on the basis of PMBok framework. Standish study reveals low success levels due to lack of utility of appropriate methodologies.
There are various differences entailed in Agile together with Lean principles in comparison to the manner in which organizations utilize PMBoK as a fundamental involving their identified project methodologies. PMBoK is taken to be traditionally utilized in linear, control together with command kind of methodologies. Agile and also lean associated principles are taken to be complementary to PMBoK together with ITIL as they are frameworks and the consequent methodologies advanced are taken to be unique to the identified project.
It is important for any organization that seeking to experience improvement in IT project management to comprehend their various underlying values together with drivers which enable effective management involving change. Every institution is considered to have a distinct model to change in accordance to the culture involving the organization (Kouzes, 2010).Organization culture involves the combination of beliefs, ideas, practices, corporate values and also expectations in relation to mannerism and customers. It is considered to either support to change or act as a source of resistance to change.
Organizations ought to comprehend their put in place culture in order to appropriately manage change. The various interrelationships together with interfaces that exist between project management and also service management ought to be concisely defined and also communicated entirely in the organization in order to ensure that there is the achievement of effective delivery involves services (Hiatt, 2014). Change management is considered to be a highly identified collaborative process involving interactions that arise from multiple groups that are in an organization including its associated external partners. E-collaboration identified methods that base their focus on the associated...
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