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HRM460 Assignment: Colorado State University Global Campus

Essay Instructions:

Organizational Development - HRM460
Colorado State University Global Campus
**This paper will be run through TURNITIN, which is a plagiarism checker through CSU Global.**
For this assignment, build an illustrative, fictional case study (see required reading for characteristics of illustrative and fictional case studies). Data collection for the assignment involves the following steps:
Identify an organization, which becomes the foundation for the fictional case. Use an actual company for this assignment, but change the name of the company and any other information specific to the company so that you can develop an illustrative, fictional case study.
List the “new” name and a brief description of the organization and why it was chosen.
Conduct secondary research on the company, its mission, location, other public information
Identify a person from the company whom you would interview and develop a set of interview questions that are relevant to the organization. The questions should uncover one or more potential areas of organizational development interest or issues that the company faces. List the name (under a new name) and role of person to be interviewed.
Conduct primary research by interviewing the identified employees of the organization. Your case study should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this case.
Your fictional case study should include:
The case’s organization and industry context
The organization’s vision/mission, strategy, product/service, business model, and organizational structure
Scenario setting including the main character/s
Problem statements or questions (not more than five)
Support your case study with at least two scholarly resources. Ensure your final case includes a cover page and references formatted per the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
For information on Case Studies: http://writing(dot)colostate(dot)edu/guides/guide.cfm?guideid=60.
Written Paper 
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Ensure each component of your paper is in a single Word document for submission to the Week 4 Assignments page. Cite any sources in accordance with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Building a Fictional Case Study
TrueLocal.com.au remains one of the expanding online businesses in Australia. The organizations operate under its functioning unit covered by the umbrella of News Digital Media (NDM). This fictional case study will detail the changes that occurred in TrueLocal and establish the effects of these shifts in a case where the management of the organization at the staff level is replaced.
Organizational change is an aspect that occurs throughout a business’s life cycle and has an impact on the functions of the organization. In other words, change is increasing as a result of several forces that include globalization that is led by the increasing advancement in technologies, environmental resources, and cultural diversity.
Description of the Organization
To meet the demands of this paper, TrueLocal.com.au will be changed to Nomard.com. The primary rationale for the choice of this company is aimed at detailing the essentialities of change management and the manner in which the process may impact the organization (Carless, S.A. 2015). In consideration of the factors that lead to change within an organization, a brief description of Nomard.com would aid in illustrating the process and its impact.
Mission of Nomad.com
Nomad.com is an exclusively owned subsidiary of the Sensis Pty Ltd that is primarily responsible for the company’s directory. The company’s mission is aimed at expanding its operations through websites in a bid to develop consumer services through magazine and news websites (Carless, S.A. 2015). Nomad.com is located in Sydney, New South Wales and employs close to 150 staff members. As the world changes to the digital age, several consumers are currently in demand for online media with the aim of sourcing information, an aspect that has to a larger extent increased the demand for products that are in digital format. Given this, Nomard.com took an opportunity of decreasing its newspaper operations and growing its digital media content.
Business Model and Organizational Structure
Nomard.com has grown since its establishment in 2006, an aspect that resulted in the acquisition of several website operations. These websites, therefore, operate as separate business units through the support of the organization's IT, HR, Finance, Commercial Operations departments including other support services that are provided by its parent company (Wood, et.al.2010). Nomard.com needed to ensure that its organizational values, culture, and structure were in line with that of its parent company with the aim of meeting its strategic goals, an aspect that pointed out to the need for strategic change.
One of the challenges that Normad.com encountered was regarding the company’s culture. Nomard.com has expanded since its establishment through the acquisition of several...
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