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How Organizations Approach Change and How the Four Frames Affect the Change Process

Essay Instructions:

an organizational change initiative or effort that you experienced in the past (or may be experiencing now). One possibility is to analyze the change that your organization has undergone as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. No business or organization has been untouched by the current environment, and most organizations have had to dramatically rethink and modify the way their staff work and how they deliver services.  You may have been a leader in this change effort, been part of a team that led the effort, or you may just have been an employee that experienced the change.  Another possibility is to analyze the change that your organization has undergone as a result of changes in leadership. 

In this paper, I would like you to look back on an organizational change effort (pandemic-related or not) using the frames identified and discussed in the Bolman and Deal text and explained in the Gallos and McFarlane readings.  Identify how each of the four frames were manifested in the change effort, either through a formal, concerted effort from management or in an informal manner by those affected in the organization.  Describe how each of the four frames came into play during this change effort and why you think this was the case.  I am looking for your ability to articulate what each of the frames consists of and focuses on, but more importantly, how they manifested during the change in the organization.

The idea is to get you thinking about how organizations approach change and how their frame(s) of reference can affect the change process.  Your paper should include the following information, but you can organize the paper however you see fit:

  1. Background of the change effort:  What was going on in society and in the organization that precipitated the change?  What exactly was the organization trying to change? Who led the change effort and why?  What was your role in the process?
  2. Framing the Change:  How did the four frames come into play or manifest during this change effort?  What were the structural, human resource, political and symbolic approaches or considerations in the change effort? Which frame(s) did the organization utilize to initiate and propel the change and how did they do it?
    *Be sure and identify each of the four frames in this section.  I am looking to see if you can articulate each one and what they mean.
  3. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Change:  In your opinion, how effective was this organizational change and why?  Did the organization focus on the most useful frame(s) in their effort, or do you think they could have done things differently and why?  This section is the most critical piece of the paper as it illustrates that you are able to evaluate the change process and identify what did and didn’t work and why.
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Background of the Change Effort

As it may sound like a well-worn cliché, it is an undeniable truth that change is the one consistent element in the world. These changes can bring about improvements or serve as valuable lessons. In 2020, a monumental transformation swept the globe, impacting various facets of life. The World Health Organization (2020) officially classified COVID-19 as a pandemic. Although it initially emerged in China, it rapidly spread to multiple countries, causing a dramatic surge in cases. This global health crisis caught the world off guard, leading to widespread disruptions in daily life. The impact was so profound that it felt like the world had reached a standstill. During this challenging period, stringent measures were put in place to limit the spread of the virus. People were confined to their homes, and only essential workers, such as healthcare professionals and those involved in the food supply chain, could leave. Educational institutions, businesses, and other establishments were forced to shut down to contain the pandemic. However, even though the pandemic has affected everything, big or small companies have been hit the hardest.

Some businesses have thrived during the pandemic, while others have been forced to shut down. Some enterprises faced closure due to insufficient funds to sustain their operations. Conversely, certain businesses capitalized on the situation and the changing needs of the populace, leading to their success. For instance, e-commerce witnessed a surge in popularity during the pandemic as people, restricted from leaving their homes, turned to online shopping platforms for convenience and safety. Furthermore, many companies have undergone significant changes in their operations. The shift from in-person to virtual modalities has become increasingly prevalent – meetings, work submissions, and various tasks have transitioned into online formats. This virtual approach has been one of the most widely adopted strategies to adapt to the ongoing pandemic. Hence, this event represents one strategy for institutions to endure amid the pandemic.

In this context, as a member of an organization, I have also encountered significant changes. Like other institutions, businesses, and organizations, ours had to transition to a virtual mode of operation due to the pandemic. However, this change was challenging, requiring careful consideration of various factors. Nevertheless, for the sake of the organization’s continuity, a swift shift was imperative. As a member, the organization’s leaders took the lead in driving this change, and I willingly embraced all the forthcoming changes.

Framing the Change

The organization addressed the change effort during the COVID-19 pandemic through a comprehensive lens based on the

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