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HLS 6080 Comments: Continuity of Operations Plan or Ideas

Essay Instructions:

Comment on these two post as if you were me with a 100 words each, and put 3 references for each post and please seperate the references
Mahin Karim
Share Your Continuity of Operations Plan or Research Paper Idea
My final project is actually a proposed hybrid of the COOP plan/research paper options. I'm planning to apply a case study approach to assessing continuity of operations and planning options for small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Unlike their larger brethren in both the for-profit and non-profit private sector communities, SMEs – i.e., organizations with 500 or less employees – are less likely to invest in or prioritize business continuity as part of their normal operations and, thereby, less likely to survive a disaster. In fact, it is estimated that 40 to 60 percent of small businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster (PrepareMyBusiness). This is a gap in emergency preparedness – and potential target of opportunity – that should be of concern, particularly in the context of National Essential Function (NEF) #7, which calls for “Protecting and stabilizing the Nation's economy and ensuring public confidence in its financial systems” (National Continuity Policy Implementation Plan, 2007).
Considering that SMEs comprise a significant portion of the nation's economy, even a small percentage of SME closures in a disaster-affected region could have serious implications for that region's post-disaster economic recovery. On a national scale, in the event of a catastrophic emergency, the impact could be devastating – not just to the nation's economic stability, but also to the psyche of the American people. Even in cases where SMEs do proactively decide to invest in a COOP or Business Continuity Plan (BCP), it could be argued that the available templates from which to derive such plans – such as those offered by FEMA or Ready.gov (FEMA; Ready.gov)– are tailored toward larger enterprises. While some of these may still be appropriate for SMEs with over a 100 employees, they may be less so for small entities – e.g., with 50 or less employees.
My paper will explore the Continuity of Operations/Business Continuity Plans and resources available to SMEs, with a particular focus on identifying any gaps that might help better inform future national emergency preparedness plans and policies. Further, using a case-study approach, and drawing on available templates, the paper will attempt to formulate a COOP/BCP that more effectively speaks to small-scale SMEs. It is my hope that the COOP/BCP developed for the selected case-study – a nonprofit think tank with a full-time employment (FTE) staff of 40-45 people, and two office locations in Seattle and Washington D.C. respectively – may serve as a useful resource for other SMEs of a similar size and/or business type.
FEMA. (n.d.). Planning & Templates. Retrieved from FEMA: https://www(dot)fema(dot)gov/planning-templates
National Continuity Policy Implementation Plan. (2007, August). Retrieved from Homeland Security Council: https://nuonline(dot)neu(dot)edu/bbcswebdav/courses/HLS6080.70731.201715/National%20Continuity%20Policy%20Implementation%20Plan%202007.pdf
PrepareMyBusiness. (n.d.). Business as Usual. No Matter What. Retrieved from Prepare My Business: http://www(dot)preparemybusiness(dot)org/
Ready.gov. (n.d.). Business Continuity Plan. Retrieved from Ready.gov: https://www(dot)ready(dot)gov/business/implementation/continuity
Matthew Berry
Share Your Continuity of Operations Plan or Research Paper Idea
I am using one of the non-governmental templates provided by FEMA to produce a Co-Op plan for my employer, Boston University Medical Center and Boston Medical Center. I work under the Department of Public Safety, and we are responsible for 37 buildings, encompassing 6 blocks in the South End of Boston. We have two major inpatient pavilions, with a largely busy emergency department. The University also conducts considerable research on the campus, and houses many laboratories operating at differing levels of Bio-Safety.
The medical center provides a critical service to the people in the area, as it is a Safety-Net Hospital, meaning that it cares for those that are not insured or have a difficult time financially providing for their medical care. No patient is turned away that wishes to be seen. Boston Medical is also a world renowned Level 1 Trauma Center, and directly supports the mission of assisting in National Essential Functions. Should any of these facilities go down or become sabotaged, there absolutely needs to be a fallback plan, and a line of succession should some of the leadership become incapacitated. I will be using the non-governmental template as a model to produce this plan.

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HLS 6080 Comments
HLS 6080 Comments
Mahin Karim
SMEs are indeed important to a country’s economy and offer a significant portion of the population employment (Robu, 2013). Karim bases his focus on SMEs on the fact above and thus manages to exquisitely expand the scale of the research.
Karim’s assertion that SMEs never invest in their continuity is also supported by Heng and Wong (2015). According to Heng and Wong, SMEs often end up closing their businesses or incur massive losses because of a lack of preparedness. The above means that Karim’s research is based on facts and thus offers credible information.
The significance of the research is also enhanced by the fact that it focusses on a real and current problem. According to a UNDP report (2013), SMEs can act as the primary drivers of the economy after an economic disaster. The above means that it is thus essential to pay attention to a country’s SMEs and not focus solely on the large companies.

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