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History of Al-Qaeda Terrorist Organization and How the Group Acts to Advance its Agenda

Essay Instructions:

Points: 100 Overview: For this project, you will choose a current terrorist organization and discuss the history of terrorist activity by this group and how the group uses acts of terrorism to advance its agenda. The cultural, political, and/or religious implications of the terrorist group’s environment will also be explored. Instructions: • You will write on Al-Qaeda terrorist organization • Describe the terrorist organization, including their location(s), organization, and objectives. • Cover historical basis, but focus on the organization now and how they are resourced and funded. • Describe the methods of attack, why specific targets were chosen, and how the group is financed. • Explain the cultural, political, and/or religious implications of the terrorist group’s environment.

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Al-Qaeda Terrorist Organization
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Al-Qaeda Terrorist Organization
Location, Organization, and Objectives
Al-Qaeda is a terrorist group whose members believe that the United States is leading other non-Muslim countries in a conspiracy to fight and destroy Islam. The members of this group are prepared to protect Islam. They often use jihad tactics to fight innocent people. The organization was formed in the 1980s, with the leader being Osama bin Laden (Lahoud, 2021). At the time, the group was based in Sudan. The group's main aim at the time was to reject the presence of the United States army in Muslim countries. Later in 1996, the headquarters of the group were moved to Afghanistan (Lahoud, 2021). The organization is organized in such a way that decisions are made centrally, but the execution of those decisions is decentralized. Before the death of Osama bin Laden, he had a strong influence on what the terrorist organization did. He made decisions and communicated them to several committees. The top committee was the shura council, and before the execution of any large attacks, it had to be informed. However, after the death of Osama bin Laden and with the heightened war on terrorism, Al-Qaeda has been fragmented into several groups around the world.
Experts believe that the terrorist organization works closely with its affiliates worldwide to carry out attacks in modern days. These affiliates include al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda in Gaza, al-Qaeda in Spain, and Guardians of Religion Organization. The main objective of Al-Qaeda is to bring together all Muslims to fight the United States and its non-Muslim. The group also aims at the elimination of westerners from Muslim countries. The group is prepared to use a series of activities to achieve the goal. These activities include but are not limited to suicide bombings, hijackings, and kidnappings.
Historical Basis, Organization Now and Funding
From 1979 to 1989, there was a war between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union. The soviet union brought its troops into Afghanistan to support the Afghan communist government. A group of Muslim insurgents known as the Mujahideen cropped up to fight against the Soviet Union, whom they referred to as invaders. The Mujahadeen group aimed to restore Afghanistan into a Muslim state. One of the members of this group was Osama bin Laden. When the Soviet Union left in 1989, the group remained. Laden became its leader, and he aimed at taking on holy wars in the future. He particularly was not happy with the United States' operations in Muslim countries. He believed that the goal was to steal resources and then fight Muslims and bring them under their rule. In the modern-day, the goals of the organization largely remain the same. Members want to ensure that the United States and its allies stop all operations in Muslim countries.
One of the ways through which Al-Qaeda is funded is through individual donations. These donations often come from wealthy individuals who believe in the course of the terrorist organization (Mendelsohn, 2018). These donations have been historically a major source of funding for the organization. However, it only contributes a small chunk of the organization's resources in the contemporary world. The second way this organization gets funded is through extortion and taxation. The organizati...
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