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Health Informatics is Both A Discipline and A Profession

Essay Instructions:

Health informatics is both a discipline and a profession. Describe how health informatics as a discipline influences health informatics as a profession, as well as how the profession influences the discipline.

Discussion Grading Rubric

Discussion Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInitial Post

20 to >17.0 pts


All key components of the discussion prompt are answered in the thread. The thread has a clear, logical flow. Major points are stated clearly. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis.

17 to >13.0 pts


Most of the components of the Discussion prompt are answered in the thread. The thread has a logical flow. Major points are stated reasonably well. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis.

13 to >0.0 pts


The Discussion prompt is addressed minimally. The thread lacks flow or content. Major points are unclear or confusing. Major points are not supported by examples or thoughtful analysis.

0 pts

Not Present

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReplies: Contribution to Discussion

15 to >13.0 pts


Each reply focuses on a meaningful point made in another student’s thread. Each reply provides substantive additional thoughts regarding the thread and an explanation of why the student agrees or disagrees with the idea presented in the thread. Each reply is clear and coherent.

13 to >10.0 pts


Most replies focus on a meaningful point made in another student’s thread. Most replies provide substantive additional thoughts regarding the thread and an explanation of why the student likes or dislikes the idea presented in the thread. Most replies are clear and coherent.

10 to >0.0 pts


Some replies focus on a point made in another student’s thread. Replies could be more substantive regarding the thread. Replies lack clarity and coherence.

0 pts

Not Present

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInitial Thread: Word Count, Grammar and Spelling, Current APA Formatting

8 to >7.0 pts


A minimum word count of 300. Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures. 2 references are cited in current APA format.

7 to >5.0 pts


Minimum word count of 200-299. Some spelling and grammar errors are present. Sentences are presented well. Paragraphs contain some varied sentence structures. Where applicable, 1 reference are cited with APA formatting. APA Issues.

5 to >0.0 pts


Minimum word count of 1-199. Spelling and grammar errors distract. Sentences are incomplete or unclear. Paragraphs are poorly formed. references are minimally or not cited in current APA format.

0 pts

Not Present

8 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReplies: Word Count, Grammar and Spelling, Current APA Formatting

7 to >6.0 pts


Each reply has at least 150 words. Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures. Where applicable, references are cited in current APA format.

6 to >4.0 pts


A minimum word count of 100-149. Some spelling and grammar errors are present. Sentences are presented well. Paragraphs contain some varied sentence structures. Where applicable, references are cited with some current APA formatting.

4 to >0.0 pts


A minimum word count of 1-99. Spelling and grammar errors distract. Sentences are incomplete or unclear. Paragraphs are poorly formed. Where applicable, references are minimally or not cited in current APA format.

0 pts

Not Present

7 pts

Total Points: 50

please follow the rubric Thanks.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Informatics is Both A Discipline and A Profession
Health informatics can be a discipline focused on gathering and utilizing information in medical research and treatment processes. Its range comprises applications of data created across the health care sector. Health informatics can also be a profession since it is a career concentrating on the capturing, transmitting, and use of health information within various health care settings. It is an approach that combines Information Technology (IT) with healthcare and communication. The subsequent section will describe how health informatics as a profession and discipline influence one another.
How Health Informatics as a Discipline Influences Health Informatics as a Profession
Health informatics professionalism largely depends on the discipline to be successful. Notably, the discipline entails healthcare information that these professionals need to conduct their medical practice. Therefore, health informatics specialists utilize their health-based knowledge and understanding, databases, information systems, and IT security to collect, keep, interpret, and control huge data produced during health delivery to the patients involved. Having competence and skills in IT and healthcare make these specialists increasingly essential to delivering and managing patient care in the contemporary healthcare sector. As information shapes the health-based business, healthcare providers seek highly trained health informatics experts to use and manage the information to improve patient care. Another important example of how the discipline influences the profession is through the professionals using the extensive range of health-related data and information, ranging from daily patient care to research, to solve modern-day health problems and, most importantly, enhance care to patients (Venot et al., 2014). The discipline is an excellent career path for any individuals with a medical background, having daily duties that vary accordingly depending on the positions. Moreover, the health informatics profession depends on the discipline because it promotes boosted coordination and collaboration amongst health providers, restructuring he...
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