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Group Norms and Conformity: How Conformers and Non-Conformers Influence Group

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Assignment Instructions

Module 8 Assignment

Part 1: Research a minimum of four articles regarding group norms and conformity. Explain how both conformers and non-conformers influence the group. Explain the consequences of not having either type of group member in any given group.

Part 2: Identify and explain two ways that human resources professionals can support managers. Identify and explain two ways that controllers can support managers. Why is it important for managers to work collaboratively with controllers, human resource professionals and other internal stakeholders and leaders within the company?

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Length 4 Pages

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Group Members Management
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Group Members Management
Part 1
Conformity and Non-Conformity
Every group or organization has social norms that dictate appropriate, acceptable, or mandatory behaviors among members. The application of these norms depends on different circumstances, and they permeate almost all aspects of human life (Westra & Andrews, 2021). Ideally, members of groups or organizations should conform to the social norms without any reservations or deviations whatsoever. However, this is not always the case since some deviate from the norm for diverse reasons and do things in ways they deem appropriate. Both conformers and non-conformers are integral in organizations and groups, and their influence on their respective entities cannot be gainsaid.
How Conformers Influence a Group
Conformity in a group involves the change of individuals' beliefs, attitudes, or behavior to fit in and have a sense of belonging. More often than not, people conform due to pressure rather than out of their own volition. For instance, a college student might feel inclined to take drugs to avoid appearing odd. Conformers play a critical role and influence their groups in fundamental ways. First, they enhance cooperation, which, by extension, reinforces their respective groups and lends them a competitive edge. For instance, the hunter-gatherer groups relied, to a considerable extent, on the conformity of their members to outmaneuver rival groups in the scramble for scarce resources (Romano & Balliet, 2017). Cooperation results from cohesion since all members subscribe to similar objectives and approach things from the same perspective.
On the flip side, conformers suppress creativity and innovation since group norms restrain them from doing things differently. This could prove detrimental to the group and its members since they seldom improvise new ideas and could lead to stagnation or losing relevance, especially in a fast-paced world.
Influence of Non-Conformers
As noted before, some group members may depart from group norms and do things differently. Such people are non-conformers, and they, too, play instrumental roles in influencing and defining their respective groups. First, non-conformers have independent minds, which enable them to exercise creativity and innovation. Undoubtedly, the two can seldom happen without individuals deviating from existing norms (Kim & Choi, 2018). Since the deviation involves violating group norms, non-conformers could be subject to stigma and working sanctions from their groups. This could happen despite their input being beneficial to their groups simply because other members regard them with substantial suspicion and indifference.
By and large, non-conformers cultivate a tense atmosphere, which could yield undesirable conflicts that affect the performance and efficacy of groups. In such circumstances, it would be paramount to institute appropriate mechanisms to mediate between conformers and non-conformers in a group. One profound strategy for achieving the same is elaborating on cognitive beliefs or psychological states (Kim & Choi, 2018). The strategy can help overturn the threat posed by the stigma and victimization of non-conformers. In addition, it can aid in establishing constructive deviant behaviors.
Consequences of Lacking Conformers and Non-Conformers in a Group
As indicated before, conformers play a pivotal role in enhancing cooperation within a group. In addition, conformity is paramount as it enhances team effectiveness (Hajro et al., 2017.). That said, any group devoid of conformity could find it onerous to promote cooperation, which could drastically impact its performance. Lack of conformity in a group paves the way for conflicts that are detrimental to its well-being and overall performance. Moreover, conformers hasten decision-making since they speak with one voice and pursue common objectives. Even though some decisions may not be sound, they happen with considerable haste and ease. Therefore, any group that fails to cultivate and embrace conformity finds decision-making a cumb...
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