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Grand Strategy Matrix for Barnes & Noble

Essay Instructions:

Determine the best grand strategy for a well-known company. To begin the Module 3 Case, read the following article concerning Barnes & Noble’s strategic direction:

Hall, W., & Gupta, A. (2010). Barnes & Noble, Inc.: Maintaining a competitive edge in an ever-changing industry. Journal of Business Case Studies, 6(4), 9-22. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Using the article above and the readings provided on the Background page of Module 3, write a 6- to 7-page paper in which you do the following:

Apply the BCG Matrix and the Grand Strategy Matrix to decide the optimal grand strategy – or grand strategies – that Barnes and Noble should follow. 

The key aspects of this assignment that are to be covered in your 6- to 7-page paper include the following:

* After completing research in the library, apply the Grand Strategy Matrix to determine what you believe should be the optimal grand strategy (or blend of grand strategies) that should be pursued by Barnes and Noble.
* Discuss the assumptions you have made in applying the Grand Strategy Matrix (i.e., rapid vs. slow growth; strong vs. weak competitive position).
* Next, apply the BCG Matrix to Barnes and Noble’s core strategic choices (i.e., the company’s use of brick-and-mortar stores versus Internet business).
* Compare the results from the BCG Matrix and the Grand Strategy Matrix: Does your use of the BCG Matrix support or refute your choice of grand strategy (or strategies) as selected by the Grand Strategy Matrix? Discuss.
* Which grand strategy should Barnes and Noble follow? Why? Defend your answer.
* Be sure to use a minimum of three library sources in support of your answers.

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The Action Compass
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The Action Compass
The convenience of new technology has rendered companies that traditionally operated brick and mortar outlets into struggles. Purchasing trends are leaning heavily towards e-commerce. Companies are beginning to make their online presence as sound as possible to limit the physical access that customers are avoiding. Book sales are among the most affected industries, going by the present trends. A company such as Amazon keeps employing its e-commerce efficiency to limit the viability of brick and mortar outlets such as Barnes & Noble Booksellers. Business insiders must ask the strategic changes that an entity such as Barnes & Noble, which is mildly oriented on e-commerce, can overturn trends. This paper analyses the Barnes & Noble case as presented in the publication “Barnes & Noble, Inc.: Maintaining a competitive edge in an ever-changing industry” by Hall and Gupta (2010). The case is employed to develop grand strategies using the company's BCG and the great strategy (GSM) matrix analyses and to define the changes that Barnes & Noble could make to turn around its competitive struggles. The case highlights the need for a revised strategic path with product development and market penetration remaining the primary grand strategies for Barnes & Noble to pursue in the wake of increased competition, dwindling core business in book sales, and growth in e-commerce.
Case Summary
Barnes & Noble is among the oldest bookselling outlets poised to be eliminated following industry changes. Starting in 1917, the company has operated extensively in the US market, leading the market share until comprehensive e-commerce strategies. As an organization that prides itself on book sales, its core business must be kept active and beyond the reach of competition. Barnes & Noble, however, finds it challenging to manage that fete with more negative trends emerging in the industry. Primary among the negative trends in the changing preferences of the readers. People are not reading books as much as they did before the advent of the internet. The case indicates a decrease in publishers’ net dollar sales from 3.4% in 2009 to 2.9% in 2010. The decline implies reductions in the profitability indices for Barnes & Noble. The other challenge that Barnes & Noble is facing is competition. In book sales, companies understand the swiftness by which markets change. To Barnes & Noble, the advancements in technology have limited their growth as sales in e-commerce expand. In 2008, 41% of product sales online were for books. While it is performing mildly, Barnes & Noble is still the second bookseller in online outlets. The company is offering to expand its operations through audio, Wi-Fi, and membership services.
Grand Strategy Matrix
A grand strategy matrix is a tool for formulating feasible strategies for organizations that intend to revive their competitiveness. Corporations can develop new techniques to steer their competitive advantage using the GSM. The GSM matrix bears four quadrants, each showcasing some of the most attractive or least attractive strategic options that Barnes & Noble could take to turn around.
Barnes & Noble is positioned in quadrant 2 of the GSM matrix. The second quadrant is characterized by a weak competitive position in a rapidly growing market. Corporations positioned in the second quadrant need a serious evaluation of their current approach to the marketplace (Berg, Assen, & Pietersma, 2015). That is because even though their industry is developing rapidly, the firms’ market share is reducing or staying stagnant. Such firms cannot compete effectively and cannot ascertain the primary causes of their dropping competitiveness. In the second quadrant, brands’ strategies should focus on improving their industry performance. The suitable design for such organizations is to penetrate new markets or diversify within their product portfolios to enhance their growth. Principally, firms should consider horizontal integration to overcome the challenges of the second quadrant. However, horizontal integration can only be efficient relative to the competition. As noted, competitors such as Amazon are advancing their e-commerce portfolios that easily have rendered Barnes & Noble unable to integrate.
There are multiple analytical reasons why Barnes & Noble falls within the second quadrant. The on-store book sales, which is its core business unit, are losing popularity every year. More people prefer to purchase their goods through online applications (Cohan, 2017). Barnes & Noble has also not invested heavily in online stores even though it remains a market leader in the industry. Merging the online sales with in-store operations could be appropriate. However, as evident in their store closures, Barnes & Noble finds that expensive. They are also operating in an industry that demands more investments in research and development. Hence, newer and insightful strategies are vital to the protracted turnaround.
In quadrant 2, Barnes & Noble should pursue related diversification and market penetration as its principal growth strategies. ...
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