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Global Mindset Inventory: Adjustments, Market Expansion, Investments

Essay Instructions:

******It should be 6 journals, I already done week1 and week2, Only need to write week3-week6. All journals should be relate with GMI and also please relate more with simulation actions

******Feedback from Professor on week1-week 2 journals:The only thing you could improve would be to take things from the general to the specific. What specific decisions or concepts were significant to you?

******Simulation you can find in https://game(dot)ilsworld(dot)com/marketplace-live/?language=en-us

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--Students should make it a practice to make entries every week so that insights are fresh. Entries should be no longer than a page, and should focus on analysis of how the materials/experiences factor into the GMI rather than listing course elements.

--Students will keep a GMI journal throughout the simulation, logging their GMI responses to each week’s material, including the simulation, cases, videos, guest speakers, etc. Specifically, students will map materials to relevant GMI capacities.

--Journals will be created via Google doc shared with instructor, and will be graded on timeliness of entries (each week), and depth of analysis. Journal may be in bullet-point format, but entries should be written in full sentences and cite specific examples.

--Entries should tie into student’s GMI assessments, addressing specific dimensions of the three GMI capitals that students had identified as areas for growth.

--While inherently subjective, students are expected to provide critical analysis of the experience or literature, making points of connection with other materials and the themes/concepts of the class, and with professional level writing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

GMI Journals
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Professor’s Name
GMI Journals
Week 3 Journal – Global Mindset Inventory (Skillful Adjustments and Market Expansion)
Week 3 academic materials, including cases, simulations, videos, and reading materials, were crucial in enhancing my Global Mindset Inventory (GMI) competencies. I learned that critical business strategies are ingredients for a firm’s success. For example, for a company to generate more revenues and increase its profits, it should interact well with primary stakeholders and compete fairly through innovation and invention. Besides, GMI emphasizes the significance of a firm to influence others. In particular, the concept of the GMI aligning with week 3 is the social capital. Social capital comprises diplomacy, intercultural empathy, and interpersonal impact.
Specifically, I would like to improve my intercultural empathy. I have learned that the Internet has fueled the rate at which businesses enter the global market. In that light, I want to learn how people from different cultures communicate effectively. I need to be able to speak with individuals from different parts of the world. I have realized that conflicts might occur due to misunderstandings emanating from nonverbal expressions. I feel like the best way to understand primary stakeholders is by interacting with them formally and informally. That way, I will improve my GMI competencies and ensure that my company can retain employees, customers, and suppliers, among others.
Week 4 Journal – GMI (Investing in the Future)
Every firm should have a specific strategy to facilitate its growth in the future. For instance, some companies prioritize Internet marketing, borrowing money for expansion, research and development, or expanding production capacities. The most significant thing that a company should do when selecting its growth strategy is to ensure that it has appropriate resources and that they are managed well. Based on GMI, investing in the future falls under psychological capital. Moreover, psychological capital entails self-assurance, the quest for adventure, and a passion for diversity.
When it comes to psychological capital, I need to develop an interest in dealing with challenging situations. I find it hard to face problems that take me more time and resources to overcome in some cases. However, I have realized that no one is ever ready to handle issues. The most significant thing I need to do is change my mindset and be willing to take risks. I have learned that solving problems enable one to acquire essential...
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