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Frameworks of Change for Organizations

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home for specific format requirements.

The challenge for this chapter presents a case of a manager who must implement several unpopular changes that he/she does not agree with and that come on the heels of other recent changes. There has been no input into the change and it is implemented top-down. None of the recommended processes for successful change in this chapter have been implemented. There has not been a period of unfreezing, although some of the changes may be appropriate, and there was little freezing last time change was announced.

The case is relatively typical of what mid-level leaders face in many organizations. They are charged with putting in places changes without much warning or input. Imagine you are the manager in this situation.

1. Describe two (2) ways that you could you approach the team.
2. How much of your personal feeling should you share? Provide one (1) supporting fact to justify your position.
3. Describe four (4) key actions that you should take.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Skills
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Leadership Skills
In every organization, there are times when they face problems of presenting new changes to procedures that are crucial to the status quo of the organization. However, some of the changes might encounter strong resistance, causing major problems for managers. At the same time, others are accepted as worthwhile for the benefit of the company. However, why are some changes acceptable while others cause resistance? How can the managers handle such resistance? In business, managers have to consider a lot of variables before implementing them. This consideration avoids causing major harm to the business, such as employees massively quitting their jobs (Naeem, 2020).
Question 1:
Whenever managers are faced with a proposed change, they should weigh the impact the changes might bring to the company and how their employees will react to them. However, many organizations use change management methodologies that ensure problems are solved and overcome challenges. A change methodology ensures that support is given to all departments, simply the processes, and ensures a smooth workflow and teamwork. Many different methodologies help in managing changes; however, for our situation, John Kotter's change methods and Kurt Lewin's Change Management Model are appropriate.
John Kotter's Change Method
John Kotter proposed an easy-to-use and simple framework to use. It provides an eight steps plan that ensures smooth workflow. In his method, the first step is to create a sense of urgency. This means that you call the employees into an urgent meeting. The next step is to form an implementation group. This step relieves the manager of the burden of making tough decisions that some employees will not appreciate. In those groups, the employees themselves outline the visions for the change, remove obstacles, and create short-term objectives. The last steps include building change progress and integrating them into the work culture (Campbell, 2020).
Kurt Lewin Change Management Frame...
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