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Four Pillars of Actualized Leadership and Leadership Shadows

Essay Instructions:

First, read the quick document that I typed up explaining the concepts of The Four Pillars of Actualized Leadership and Leadership Shadows.

This and the worksheet will help you answer the questions 1 and 5 of your Leadership Paper.

Then, complete the the Development Guide Self-Actualized Leadership Journey Profile ALP Shadow Worksheet. On page 3 of the worksheet, you do not need to determine your "My Self-Actualizing Score" - skip that part.

Here are the questions for your Leadership Paper

1. Why is the Actualized Leadership and Leadership Shadows important to examine?

2. Is it important that leaders act as role models for followers? Agree or disagree and explain?

3. Is it important that leaders communicate high standards/expectations to followers and inspire their motivation? Agree or disagree and explain.

4. Is it important that leadership stimulates followers to be creative and challenge themselves and the group/team? Agree or disagree and explain.

5. Is it important that leaders provide a supportive climate through listening to the needs of EACH individual follower? Agree or disagree and explain

6. Which of the following Leadership Style modes will help you attend to your own leadership shadow? (pick ONE of the prompts to address: Achiever, Affirmer, or Asserter)

ord format, double-spaced, 12 font Times-Roman

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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1. Actualized Leadership and Leadership Shadows
The concept of actualized leadership is essential to examine because it provides wide-ranging knowledge and skills about leadership. Actualized leadership enables individuals to apply the knowledge for measuring leadership style founded on underlying motive needs of the person. Examining actualized leadership can empower an individual to predict the characters of their leaders in communities and business organizations (Sparks et al., 2016). It also incorporates an actualized leader profile that permits individuals to reason beyond their emotions and equips them to approach leadership issues more intuitively at the level of unconscious action and behavior. Actualized leadership enables leaders to respond instead of reacting to stress or issues arising in the management. Reacting to stress is discouraged than responding because it triggers a leadership shadow that incorporates unpopular values in leadership. Actualized leadership enables human beings to understand what motivates human beings to engage in a particular act.
On the other hand, actualized leadership also empowers leaders to comprehend what motivates others in a community or business organization. It mentions achievement, affiliation, and power as motives or drivers that can trigger human behavior to engage in some act or control individuals in different ways. For example, the leader needs to make detailed-oriented and well-organized achievements. On the other hand, a leader who needs to affiliate with others becomes friendly and brings more harmony than results. Finally, leaders with a need for power are courageous, decisive, and risk-takers.
Shadow leadership refers to the notion of the insensible inspiration of a leader. Examining leadership shadow is essential because it articulates the unconscious influence. Stress compels managers or directors to express the negative side of their leadership style because of failure or fear of rejection. Some leaders also express leadership shadow due to fear of betraying their seniors or colleagues. The concept of leadership insists that people should always respond to issues or stress soberly. For instance, a leader under stress should think about their statements before expressing them.
2. Leaders as Role Models for Followers
I agree that leaders should act as role models for followers. Students should understand that role models serve as examples and inspire subjects to teach discipline, integrity, and hard work. Acting respectfully and responsibly motivates employees to act the same way because subjects (employees) perceive leaders as the leading decision-makers in an organization. On the other hand, positive role models within an organization influence the action of subjects and motivate them to unleash their potential in achieving the objectives. Moreover, acting as a role model will allow the subject to learn the features of a successful leader. The subject will observe how leaders behave, exert control, and learn from them. They can use the learned skills and knowledge in future leadership roles.
Leaders should act as role models to followers to avoid obstacles like stress. For example, being irresponsible can create a bad scenario in an organization where employees or followers don't respect the directives given by leaders (Wang et al., 2021). These issues can subject leaders to the stress of leadership shadow. Leaders embracing leadership shadow fear failing in their duties because their followers may view them as incompetent. Fear of rejection by followers and colleagues can force leaders to embrace leadership shadow to restore their influence in an organization. Leadership shadow is unpopular because leaders embrace it to abuse their power in running operations. They can also mismanage information to favor their influence. On the other hand, leaders expressing shadow leadership can betray loyal colleagues, act inconsistently, and fail to assume responsibilities in an organization. Acting as a role model to followers can prevent these issues by communicating freely and sharing ideas and goals with followers. It will also prevent leaders from failing because they get feedback and advice on conducting the organization's activities.
3. High Standard Communication among Leaders
I agree that communicating high standards and inspiring employees is crucial because it enables leaders or managers to attain both the long and short-term objectives of the organization. Employees constantly observe their leaders understand their personalities and motive. To promote professionalism and perfection, leaders should insist on high standards. In a business setup, communicating high standards empower followers to unleash their full potential in executing the assigned roles and responsibilities. It can trigger employees to create new ideas in completing their duties (Furlich, 2016). All employees are interested in staying loyal and respecting the company policies; therefore, communicating high standards enable them to be steadfast to the policies guiding the conduct of every stakeholder in the organization. It will enable employees to focus on their responsibilities and ensure they are on the right track to produce outcomes regularly. Employees will always behave respectfully when their leaders express the same. Alternatively, setting high expectations help in establishing clear roles and preventing employee frustration. Setting clear roles will help employees concentrate on the assigned roles and prevent the crushing of roles leading to frustrations. A frustrated employee can feel demotivated, which affects their performance.
These frustrations can affect employers, leading to psyc...
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