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Fintech's Current Project Communication Plan

Essay Instructions:

Part 3: Communication Plan
For the project selected in Unit I, create a simple communication management plan. Your plan should follow the process for planning communication management, as referred to in Figure 3.1 and 3.3 of the textbook, Project Management: A Common-Sense Guide to the PMBOK Program, Part Two – Plan and Execution. Consider the following questions:
What will I need to communicate (project progress, other)?
To whom will I need to communicate (stakeholders, contacts)?
When will I need to communicate (timing, frequency)?
Where will I communicate (location of the sender, receivers)?
How will I communicate (media)?
Why am I communicating (analyze all reports both planned and ad hoc to ensure rationale for communication effort is sound)?
How do my planned communications close any gaps between project objectives and stakeholder expectations? How would such gaps be evaluated and fed back into the project communications cycle?
Finally, in addition to writing out your strategies and responses to the questions, summarize the who, what, when, where, how, and why into a quick reference table. For example, consider the building the library scenario in the earlier unit. The "who" would be the stakeholders such as members of the community, future patrons of the library to name just a couple. The "what" would include information regarding the progress of the construction, key milestones, and perhaps some announcements regarding the planned scope of the completed library (such as types of media available for checkout, services to be offered, etc.). Such a table is often used as a succinct at-a-glance form of the communications plan.
As a guide to depth, your Communication Management Plan should be a minimum of two pages in length. You may either create your table in Word and include it at the end of the document, or submit it as a separate Excel file

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fintech's Current Project Communication Plan
Student Name
Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., Master of Science in Nursing), Walden University
COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X

Fintech's Current Project Communication Plan
Fintech's current project is to relocate its headquarters to the CBD in Downtown Los Angeles. The organization has a team in place to foresee the implementation of the project. The team consists of six Fintech employees, two Fintech managers, and three representatives from three consulting firms: moving services, interior design, and suppliers & vendors of essential office equipment, tools, and IT systems. Apart from the team, other key stakeholders include Fintech leadership and management, employees, and customers. The purpose of the current project is to reposition Fintech's strategic position in service delivery to spur growth. Therefore, the success of the project depends on effective communication among stakeholders.
The What, Who, Where, How, and Why
According to Shannon (2018), effective communication is one in which there are efficient and reliable channels of transfer of information. This implies that the right stakeholder should receive the correct information within the right time frame and through the most effective communication channels. Effective communication encompasses the 7 Cs of communication in which clarity, courtesy, consideration, conciseness, completeness, correctness, and concreteness of information are considered. For Fintech to achieve its growth goal, the communication between stakeholders in the current project will play a significant role. The critical elements of the current communication plan include who, whom, where, how, and why.
Key activities in the current project include formulation of budgets and schedules, selection of new premises from possible alternatives, customization of new premises (through interior design consultants), sourcing for office supplies, equipment, and IT and technological infrastructure (through suppliers and vendors, and moving current assets to the new premises (through moving services). Accomplishing these activities requires collaboration among stakeholders to ensure Fintech is set to achieve the current strategic goal. Shannon (2018) argued that effective communication is a crucial pillar in projects that require collaboration among stakeholders.
Therefore, what defines the message that needs to be communicated. For instance, after establishing the budget and schedule for the project, the designated team should communicate with the management and leadership for approval. After approval, the management and leadership must inform the team to revise or go ahead with the proposed budget and schedule. Project progress should be communicated to current employees, which allows them to re-adjust for the new changes. Other critical whats include project progress, key milestones, and challenges.
The who defines the recipients of messages. A vital aspect of the current project is that different stakeholders receive different information. Further, based on the sensitivity of the communication, some stakeholders will be received communication before other stakeholders. For instance, employees can only know of the budget proposal after it has been approved by management or leadership. In a different scenario, employees will receive communication about relocation ahead of customers.
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