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Findings on IoT in Smart Cities

Essay Instructions:

* Write about the Findings based on the topic (IoT in Smart Cities), the topic will be attached
* Write only about the highlighted sections.

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The validity of the research was obtained through consultation with different experts in the field of research. The researcher will seek the guidance of other researchers with previous experience in collecting such information to determine whether the information collected is valid or not. The expert will be expected to review the questionnaires used and the tools that will help collect the household information. The experts will also provide their feedback on the possible errors associated with the apparatus and what can be done to avoid those challenges. Consequently, based on the feedback from the reviewer, the unclear and obscure questions will be revised and the complex items reworded. In addition, the ineffective questions will be discarded and replaced with other more effective ones.
The study will also consider the internal validity of the information presented by assessing the congruence of the research findings with the reality. A triangulation, member checks, long-term observation of the study, and peer examination will be utilized to enhance the study’s internal validity. In triangulation, this study will enhance the validity of the evaluation data and findings by collecting the data using various sources (Zohrabi, 2013). The study will utilize questionnaires to get the participants’ feedback on the study and some of the challenges they may have observed. Besides, the researcher will also compare these findings with similar ones from other sources, and if the results resemble them, the data will be perceived as valid.
The member checks approach will involve taking the results and interpretations back to the participants for confirmation and validation. Thus, the results and the interviews will be handed back to the interviewees, who will then be expected to confirm the content of what they provided during the interview process. In adopting this approach, the plausibility and the truthfulness of the information provided will be confirmed.
The fact that the data collection process will take place for an extended period will allow repeated observations, which will help enhance the validity of the information collected. The researcher will compare results from households with similar demographic characteristics to determine the truthfulness of the information collected. For example, families with five members living in urban areas will be expected to register figures closer to each other.
After the researcher has collected the infor...
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