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Features, List, and Manifest System of Tracking Hazardous Waste

Essay Instructions:

In this unit, you became familiar with categorizing hazardous waste; hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities; and remediation of old hazardous waste sites.

For this assignment, you will write an essay that discusses the following components:

• the four characteristics of a hazardous waste, of which ignitability is one;

• the four lists of hazardous waste, of which one is the P list;

• the manifest system of tracking hazardous waste;

• treatment, storage, and disposal facilities in your area;

• two features of a hazardous waste landfill that are not in a municipal solid waste landfill; and

• progress made by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)—otherwise known as the Superfund.

Your paper should flow smoothly from topic to topic with thoughtful transitions. Your essay should be at least three pages in length, not counting the references page.

Support your essay with at least two peer-reviewed articles from the CSU Online Library. The articles should be no more than 20 years old. Feel free to use the textbook and other sources as references in addition to your two CSU Online Library sources. Be sure to properly cite and reference all sources, and use APA format.

Textbook information if needed.

Book title

Basic Environmental Technology

6 edition

Jerry A. Nathan's on & Richard A. Schneider

ISBN-13: 978-0-13-284014-9

ISBN-10: O-13-284014-6

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Hazardous Waste
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Features of Hazardous Waste
Ignitability is among the multiple features that describe hazardous waste, including liquids that contain flashpoints below 60° C. Non-liquid wastes can also cause fire through friction, moisture absorption, and automatic chemical changes. The second feature of hazardous waste is corrosivity. Hazardous waste is considered corrosive if they are in a liquid state or aqueous solution with a PH below or equivalent to two or their PH is higher or equivalent to 12.5. The fluids are corrosive since they result in steel rusting. They may include hydrochloric acid sulfuric acids, t mention a few. The acids are stored in special containers since they can quickly eat through the materials and cause leakages (Taufan & Purwanto, 2018). Hazardous wastes are reactive and unsteady under standard environmental settings. The wastes can react underwater, producing toxic gases that lead to an explosion. Also, they result in unnecessary blasts in normal environmental conditions or during heat exposure. As a result, the EPA suggests that multiple procedures can help identify reactive materials since they pose a significant threat. Lastly, hazardous wastes are toxic when consumed or in contact with individuals’ skin. Since water is the primary source of livelihood for people, hazardous wastes can easily affect human beings and the environment through pollution.
Four List of Hazardous Waste
The F list is among the hazardous waste list. The list facilitates the identification of wastes from the production process of multiple products within an industry. The F list plays a crucial role in identifying specific procedures since the sources associated with the production of wastes are unknown. The source identification group in the F list includes multisource leachate, electroplating, and dioxin-bearing wastes, to mention a few. The second list of hazardous waste is the K list.
Contrary to the F list, the K list refers to particular wastes with specific sources in the industry. Various production and treatment procedures produce specific water waste and filth categorized as hazardous waste. The wastes are categorized as dangerous source-certain waste since their sources are identifiable. The top industries that produce K list wastes include petroleum refining, ink formulation, wood preservation, pesticides manufacturing, explosives manufacturing, to mention a few (EHS, 2022). Lastly, the P and U lists refer to certain commercial chemicals discharged but unused. P and U list wastes must have specific properties and possess a commercial grade of certain unused chemicals. The specific P and U list waste properties include; the waste must have one chemical recognized in the P or U list, unused, and take the shape of an economical chemical product.
Manifest System of Tracking Hazardous Waste
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