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Factors that Led to HP’s Intense Political Behavior

Essay Instructions:

All organizations have internal politics. However, most organizations keep their political battles private and it is rare that the public will know the details about political intrigue within the major corporations. However, Hewlett-Packard (HP) is rare in that its political battles were waged publicly. HP will make for an ideal case study both because of the intense political behavior occurring at the top and because many articles have been written about these political battles.

HP has been through five CEOs since 2005, and each change of CEO has been controversial. The drama started in 2005 when then CEO Carly Fiorina was under attack from several members of HP’s Board of Directors. Some board members even took the dispute public by leaking information to the press. Fiorina fought back by investigating the leaks, but ultimately lost the battle and was ousted as CEO. Her replacement, Patricia Dunn, continued to investigate leaks by the board through the use of private investigators. Even more controversy emerged when it was discovered that the investigators used the method of “pretexting” in order to obtain phone records of board members.

Case Assignment

Examples of the causes of political behavior include competition for resources, ambiguous organizational goals, lack of trust, and performance factors. Examples of types of political behavior include blaming others, selectively distributing information, managing impressions, and forming coalitions. Regarding ethics, consider the three main factors:

Does the political action violate individual rights?

Does it improve the welfare of those involved?

Does it increase distributive justice?

Do some research on the political dramas at HP. There is a lot written about HP’s many dramas over the years.

Write a 4- to 5-page paper addressing the following issues:

What individual and organizational factors of HP and its senior leaders led to the intense political behavior?

What types of political behaviors did HP’s board members and CEOs exhibit?

Were the leaks to the press by members of the board ethical? Was the investigation by Patricia Dunn into the links ethical?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Factors that Led to HP’s Intense Political Behavior
One of the individual factors is the internal locus of control. This factor was demonstrated by the former CEO of HP, Carly Fiorina. In this case, internal locus of control refers to the action of trying to control the internal business environment so that it favors a person. The major way through which Fiorina demonstrated this quality was by acquiring the Compaq Computer for a whopping $25 billion (Price, 2016). She made the acquisition with the intention of stamping her control as far as expansion strategies are involved.
Further, Patricia had demonstrated high expectations for success. One of the factors that stamped this demonstration is the acquisition mentioned above. The decision to acquire Compaq Computer caused great controversy among HP board members. Trusted sources show that one of the members who was disgruntled with the decision was Walter Hewlett, who is the son of one of the HP founders. This matter, therefore, sparked an intense political environment within HP and ultimately led to the resignation of Fiorina.
Fiorina’s successor, Patricia Dunn, also greatly demonstrated this quality of internal locus of control. She demonstrated this quality by hiring some private investigators to find out who leaked information concerning the company wrangles. She was so determined to unearth those who leaked the information that she ended up using illegal methods to gain the information (Price, 2016). When it was discovered that she was using pretexting to gain this information, controversy increased even more. Therefore, Patricia’s ambition to unearth the leaks led to further controversy and heated the organization's politics even more.
There were also organizational factors that led to the intense political behaviors observed at HP. The most notable of these factors was the high expectations from some of the CEOs, such as Fiorina and Whitman. These CEOs expected the leaders of the company to overperform. Consequently, the leaders were subjected to immense pressure to meet set goals. In addition, the CEOs also forced the leaders to consider specific strategic approaches to maximize productivity. While maximizing productivity is a good thing, the methods employed by these CEOs were unrealistic and led to immense political behavior (Price, 2016). In addition, it is postulated that the promotion opportunities in the company and the manner in which they were awarded could also have led to immense political behavior observed at the technological company.
Types of Political Behaviors Exhibited by HP’s Board Members and CEOs
Both the CEOs and board members portrayed varied political behaviors. One of the dominant behavior was the blame game. One of the most notable intentions to blame came out when investigations were carried out to unearth the individuals who leaked information to the public. The aim of carrying out this investigation by the CEOs Fiorina and Dunn were to find out who the individuals were and lay the entire blame on them. Further, when the value of HP fell by 47% in 2011, the best start would have been for the CEO and the board members to sit and find strategies to improve the shares (Hochwarter et al., 2020). However, Whitman’s successor, Leo, was almost entirely blamed for the drop in the drop. The blame game heightened the political climate of the company. In light of the above discussion, it is true to conclude that the blame game is one of the ke...
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