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Factors Affecting Individual Job Performance

Essay Instructions:

Hi instruction for essay:

Essay need have 2 parts(first part 2 pages and 2nd part 7 pages) and you will find all in information beloved. I will also upload documents which one are important for essay.


For this Performance Task Assessment, you will demonstrate your ability to create a job description and apply strategies for managing employees at different stages of their professional lives.

Professional Skills: Written Communication and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving are assessed in this Competency.

You are strongly encouraged to use the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist when completing this Assessment.

Your response to this Assessment should:

• Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric.

• Adhere to the required assignment length.

• Conform to APA style guidelines. You may use Writing Center’s APA Course Paper Template.

This Assessment requires submission of two (2) files. Save your files as follows:

• For Part I as LM006_PartI_firstinitial_lastname (for example, LM006_PartI_J_Smith).

• Save Part II as LM006_PartII_firstinitial_lastname

When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Access the following to complete this Assessment:

• Job Description Template

• A Year in the Life of a Manager

• Academic Writing Checklist

This assessment has two-parts. Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.

Part I: Job Description

Assume you are in upper management of the hypothetical United States-based company Walden Consulting Group, Inc., and you need to hire a new “Director of Worldwide Consulting.” This director will be responsible for consulting teams that will provide various management consulting services to organizations of all sizes and industries all over the world. The director you hire will manage these teams while working out of the home office in the United States. The director will be responsible to create a productive and positive working environment and implement processes to sustain it.

Using the “Job Description Template” provided, write the job description for this position. Include the characteristics, behaviors, skills, education, attitudes, and key competencies needed to create a sustainable, positive, and productive work environment. Contact information should also be included.

Part II: Employee Development

Read the scenarios in the “A Year in the Life of a Manager” document provided and respond to the related prompts below.

1. Identify and shape factors that can affect an individual employee’s job performance.

Given what you read of the marketing manager and marketing assistant job responsibilities and the work environment at Allies of College Educators (ACE), for each employee listed below:

o Identify and explain how you would shape two factors that might positively affect that employee’s job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

o Identify and explain two factors that might negatively affect the employee’s job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

o Explain what you might do as a manager to shape those factors.

a. Julianne Martinez, Marketing Manager

i. Negative Factor 1

i. Identify Negative Factor 1:

ii. How might you shape Negative Factor 1?

ii. Negative Factor 2

i. Identify Negative Factor 2:

ii. How might you shape Negative Factor 2?

iii. Positive Factor 1

i. Identify Positive Factor 1:

ii. How might you shape Positive Factor 1?

iv. Positive Factor 2

i. Identify Positive Factor 2:

ii. How might you shape Positive Factor 2?

b. Rico Aconda, Marketing Assistant

i. Negative Factor 1

i. Identify Negative Factor 1

ii. How might you shape Negative Factor 1?

ii. Negative Factor 2

i. Identify Negative Factor 2:

ii. How might you shape Negative Factor 2?

iii. Positive Factor 1

i. Identify Positive Factor 1:

ii. How might you shape Positive Factor 1?

iv. Positive Factor 2

i. Identify Positive Factor 2:

ii. How might you shape Positive Factor 2?

1. Develop a plan to help employees set, track progress toward, and achieve performance goals.

i. Describe individual plans for Rico and Julianne to set, track progress toward, and help them achieve performance goals.

i. Your plan to set, track progress toward, and help Rico achieve goals should include:

i. Two goals related to Rico’s work and interests

ii. Two methods that you will use to track his progress effectively

iii. Two actions you will take to help him achieve these goals

ii. Your plan to set, track progress toward, and help Julianne achieve goals should include:

i. Two goals related to Julianne’s work and interests

ii. Two ways that you will effectively track her progress

iii. Two actions you will take to help her achieve these goals

2. Apply effective practices to conduct employee performance reviews.

a. Describe how you will conduct a performance review with Rico. Be sure to:

i. Identify two high-performance behaviors and explain their importance.

ii. Identify two low-performance behaviors and explain their potential impact.

iii. Indicate changes you would ask Rico to make that could lead him toward improved performance.

iv. Indicate changes you would be willing to make to your own performance that will lead Rico toward improved performance.

v. Describe one resource that you might provide Rico before, during, or at the close of his performance review.

b. Describe how you will conduct a performance review with Julianne. Be sure to:

i. Identify two high-performance behaviors and explain their importance.

ii. Identify two low-performance behaviors and explain their potential impact.

iii. Indicate changes you would ask Julianne to make that could lead her toward improved performance.

iv. Indicate changes you would be willing to make to your own performance that will lead Julianne toward improved performance.

v. Describe one resource that you might provide Julianne before, during, or at the close of her performance review.

3. Provide effective feedback to facilitate employee development.

. Describe how you will deliver effective performance feedback to Julianne and Rico. In your explanation include:

i. A description of what you will do to prepare feedback, who you will talk to, what resources you will use

ii. How you will set the tone of the meeting

iii. Two strategies for each meeting to ensure that they are constructive

1.Fallow rubrics!(upload doc)

2.Fallow Managing Two Employees at Different Stages of Their Professional Lives(upload doc)

3.Fallow Job Description templet. (upload doc)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Part II: Employee DevelopmentNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Factors Affecting Individual Job Performance
Julianne Marquez-Marketing Manager
Negative Factors
One of the negative factors that can affect the performance of Julianne is perhaps failing to work with the other employees. Julianne can become excessively competitive in her work and fail to involve the other employees especially the business development team. As Hanaysha (2016) notes, employees who often work on things on their own without involving the other members of the staff will feel overwhelmed and develop a cold shoulder towards each other hindering their performance CITATION Han16 \l 1033 (Hanaysha, 2016). The first thing that I will do as a way of shaping this factor, I will first explain to her that we expect team work in each of the tasks that she is assigned. I will also inform the business development team to work closely with her. I will also assign tasks where she will be required to work with the other employees. This in turn will boost her ability to work with the team members.
Lack of knowledge can also negatively affect the performance of Julianne. The collection of intelligence data and analysis is a new innovation at the company that is intended to drive the company to the next level. Given that the service is new, Julianne might be lacking the appropriate skills on how she is supposed to carry out her duties and responsibilities. In some cases, the company can also fail to provide the appropriate tools and equipment to help the marketing manager carry out their roles. There are a number of training programs implemented at the company. I would advise her to join these programs to gain appropriate skills and knowledge to carry out tasks.
Positive Factors
Training and development can boost the performance of Julianne Marquez in her new role as the marketing manager. As indicated, Julianne is interested in working with the technology start up to gain new skills. As a company training Julianne will be of great value since it will boost her confidence and it will clearly show that the company is committed to make sure that he succeeds in her career. As Noe et al (2017) points out, an effective training program should be carried out in such a way that it meets the training needs of the employee CITATION Noe171 \l 1033 (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2017). In this case, training will be offered in area where Julianne is not familiar with.
The workplace environment should also be designed in such a way that it encourages creativity. The task carried out by Julianne requires creativity skills since she will be responsible for the analysis and the interpretation of customer data at the company. As Jeffrey (2009) notes, creating a working space that encourages employee creativity is important as it ensures that employees make maximum utilization of their skills and expertise while at work CITATION Jef09 \l 1033 (Jeffrey, 2009 ). The environment will help Julianne to identify new insights into the data and this will play a great role in boosting the performance of the organization since her job position requires the use of creative skills CITATION Ala13 \l 1033 (Alafi, Al-queed, & Alkayed, 2013). A new office will be designed for the marketing manager and it will be designed with the essence of ensuring that there is a free working area and an environment that encourages creativity.
Rico Aconda-Marketing Assistant
Negative Factors
Role perception is also likely to affect the performance of Rico. The role that Rico will be carrying out in the company has not been clearly defined. It has only been stated that he will be working with the marketing team. Rico will feel that there is no clear goal or contribution that they are making to the company and this will prevent them from delivering the best while they working. As Boon et al (2012) observes, the performance of a person within the workplace will be influenced on how they perceive themselves in terms of their contribution to the organization CITATION Boo12 \l 1033 (Boon, Fern, Sze, & Stanley, 2012). As the director of marketing, I will make sure the roles for each of the employees has been clearly defined. I will also brief each of the employees on their roles to avoid confusion.
Inability to focus on one task and bring it to completion can also affect the performance of Rico. As indicated, Rico has been working in an environment where he works on a number of projects at the same time. This can prevent him from focusing on one task thus hindering his performance within the organization. As a way of shaping this negative factor, I will assign one role at a time and indicate the expected delivery time for the task. This will help Rico to focus on completing the task at hand before proceeding to carry out another task.
Positive Factors
Rico as the marketing assistant has a number of skills and traits that will boost his performance. When appearing on the interview, he appears confident. One of the main characteristics of a marketing employee is confidence. Besides, he has graphic design skills that will be put into use in his new role thus boosting his performance. When employees have the appropriate skills, they will be focused more on combining their skills and expertise to bring a task to completion in the workplace CITATION Sae13 \l 1033 (Saeed, et al., 2013). As a way of developing this confidence skills, Rio will be sent out to have meetings and interviews with the potential clients. He will be able to meet clients from diverse industries and this will increase his confidence and prepare him to undertake future roles and responsibilities at the company.
Provision of the appropriate tools can also boost the performance of Rico. Rico is a graphic designer and he needs the appropriate graphic design tools so that he can utilize them to design the marketing campaigns within the company. Cascio (2015) observes that most of the employees become demotivated in a situation where there are no tools to carry out their responsibilities. It will make the employees to feel that they are not contributing anything at all to the company CITATION Cas15 \l 1033 (Cascio, 2015). Apart from providing the tools, the company should also make sure the employee has the skills to use them. If we introduce new tools to our company, Rico will be trained on how to use these tools. He can also suggest tools that can increase his working effectiveness within the company.
Individual Performance Plan for Rico-Marketing Assistant
1 The first goal on the side of Rico is a brand goal. Since he is the marketing assistant, his goal is to make sure that the company is the most preferred in terms of intelligence data to boost the admission system of schools.
2 To come up with the appropriate marketing strategy that will boost the sales revenue by 30% from the $2,000,000 sales revenue generated by the company last year.
1 As a way of evaluating the achievement of the first goal, we will use the number of the new customers that the company generates each month. In line with the goals of being the most p...
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