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Explain Differences Among Continuous Quality Improvement Concepts

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Continuous Quality Improvement Concepts

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Continuous Quantity Improvement
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Continuous Quantity Improvement
Continuous quality improvement (CQI) can be described as a management philosophy that is used by an organization to make their processes better. Since time immemorial, people have always tried to improve the circumstances and conditions in which they lived (Stewart & Gugel, 2016). For instance, a lot of improvement has been seen in the transport sector where people have evolved from using horses to the automobile. CQI is used by organizations to increase efficiency, reduce waste as well as increase the external and internal satisfaction of employees. It is a continuous process that assesses the manner in which an organization operates and ways in which it can improve its processes
Explain the Differences between Continuous Quality Improvement Concepts
Concepts of Kaizen
Kaizen is a Japanese word that means continuous improvement or changing for the better. It is a business philosophy used in the process that keeps improving the operations of an organization, and it always involves the employees of the organization. Kaizen perceives an improvement in processes and productivity as a slow and methodical process. This concept of Kaizen covers a wide range of ideologies (Stewart & Gugel, 2016). For instance, it involves creating a conducive and team environment, making the working environment more efficient, improving the day to day process and procedures and ensuring that employees are satisfied through making their job safer, less tiring and more fulfilling. The key objective of Kaizen philosophy is the elimination of waste, standardized work, just-in-time delivery and use of the efficient machine. The main goal of Kaizen is to facilitate small improvements and changes over a period. Basically, it recognizes that gradual changes in a company can eventually have a huge impact on the company.
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