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Examining Ethical Issues in Cases. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

To prepare for this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Select one of the following cases: Guantanamo (McNeal, 2010) or the Exxon Valdez (Kurtz, 2003). Then, consider the following:

1. How did organizational culture influence ethical decision making?

2. What are the ethical issues?

3. What are the issues facing the decision makers?

4. How did the organizational culture influence decision making?

5. What did you learn from this case that you can use as a public administrator?

6. What, if anything, does the case have in common with the 2013 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) scandal over IRS audits of conservative nonprofit agencies?

7. To what extent does attention by the American public media influence ethical decision making of public and nonprofit public administrators? Do you think that such media exposure should determine administrative decisions?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Decision Making
The National Service Park and Exxon Valdez Case
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Ethical Decision Making
The influence of organizational culture in ethical decision-making
The company culture affected decision-making by giving the new employees the past stories of incidences in the company to make them understand the problems that were faced. Moreover, they were made conscious of collaboration in problem-solving. Employees were also encouraged to retain integration and increase trust among themselves and management.
The ethical issues in NPS
Some of the ethical issues in the case include security and health concerning the spillage in vast areas following the fall of the oil tanker (Kurtz, 2003). Failing to take care of the spilled oil can result in compromised health of both humans and animals in the neighborhood. Another ethical issue in the case is transparency. It is essential that the management of the National Park Service (NPS) is transparent in all their activities to enhance the association with the stakeholders and the community (Kurtz, 2003).
Issues facing the decision makers
The main problem facing the management is poor communication with the involved parties that resulted in the oil spillage. A communication gap exists between the management and the immediate community surrounding NPS.
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