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Evaluating Moral Conflicts of Google in China

Essay Instructions:

MODULE 8 Signature Assignment

MODULE 8 Signature Assignment Deliverable length: 5-8 pages, with title page, in-text citation and reference list on an organization you select prior to the end of Module 5.

There are two steps necessary to complete this assignment, as follows:

1. Signature Assignment: Case selection – You should have submitted your selection of a case from the provided list of choices by the end of Module 5 (via e-mail to instructor).

2. Signature Assignment: Deliverable – Before the end of Module 8 (Sunday, 11:59 PM, PST), you will turn in your completed 5 to 8 pages (double spaced) Signature Assignment through the assignment drop box. Note: The 5 to 8 page range is the body of the paper and does not include the title and works cited pages.

You may select one of the following four case topics as the subject of your Signature Assignment.

Google in China: Monge, R. r. (2015). Institutionally Driven Moral Conflicts and Managerial Action: Dirty Hands or Permissible Complicity? Journal Of Business Ethics, 129(1), 161-175.

The Volkswagen Emissions Case: Hibbert, L. (2015). The Volkswagen emissions testing scandal has put the issue of professional ethics in the spotlight. Professional Engineer, 28(10), 3. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search on 1/25/16.

The 2015 Toshiba Accounting Case: Reuters. (2015). Why Toshiba is Getting Hit With a Record Fine. Fortune.com, N.PAG. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search on 1/27/16.

Topical selection of your choice – Students should have proposed to the instructor (for approval) an organization (business or governmental) for this assignment. The proposed organization should be a high-profile case and selected based upon actual or alleged unethical behavior resulting in potential civil 1 / 3 damages and/or criminal conduct.

Guidance for Signature Assignment

Your goal is to analyze the ethical issues that occurred in your selected company covering the following:

1. Describe the incident or incidents that led to unethical actions on the part of the company and its employees.

2. Identify management’s role in the unethical actions and what you believe were the causes and motivations for the actions.

3. Discuss what, if any, steps were taken by the company after the unethical actions were discovered by management or revealed to the public. Were these actions sufficient, why or why not?

4. Make specific recommendations that you would make to the company and its board to prevent a recurrence of the unethical actions described in your report.

Be sure to make an argument and support each point by drawing upon the themes, arguments, vocabulary, terms and information presented in the course readings and lectures. Your work will be evaluated for the specificity with which it answers each of the above questions and the extent to which you demonstrate a clear understanding of the central course content and the student learning outcomes associated with Modules 1-8.

Your essay must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman font.

Your essay should have a Cover Page and Reference Page (not included in assignment page count).

Your essay should be organized with an easy to read narrative voice.

Please use bold substantive subtopic headings to guide the reader through your report. You must use in-text citation to avoid plagiarism.

Assignment should be proofread for spelling and grammar errors.

Additional Writing Resources from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (also see Writer’s Corner in Modules):

The Writing Process: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/section/1/1/ Outlining: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/544/01/

Creating a Thesis Statement: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/545/01/

Writing a Conclusion: 2 / 3 https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/724/04/

In-Text Citations: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/02/

Reference Page: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/05/

Proofreading: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/561/01/ Please contact your instructor immediately if you think for some reason you will not be able to submit your final Signature Assignment on time, by 11:59 pm PST on Sunday of the 8th module.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Google in China
Due Date
Google in China
Employees often find themselves in moral conflicts. In such cases, managers are conflicted between their managerial responsibilities and the requirements of morality. Businesses exist to make profits, and managers are expected to further this goal. While it is not wrong to maximize profits, managers must ensure that it does not compromise morals. For example, in 2006, Google launched a new version of a search engine specifically for the Chinese market. To increase its market share, the company proceeded to censor its search results to comply with the Chinese government requirements. The decision led the company to engage in unethical behavior by restricting the right to free expression. The managers are aware that their actions violate people’s human rights but aid the business in engaging in “obedient complicity.” The company appears to assist the Chinese government’s efforts to restrict the freedom of speech and expression. The management seeks to maximize profits without considering the implications of their actions to the users in China. Google must not aid the Chinese government in violating human rights. Managers should be at the forefront to ensure that Google does not engage in unethical behavior while doing its business.
Incidence Leading to Unethical Actions
Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Google’s search results are an attempt to fulfill the mission. Entering more markets in the world is critical in ensuring that Google offers information to all individuals. For some time, China had remained outside of Google’s reach, despite having about a fifth of the world’s population. Google managers were concerned about their inability to access the Chinese market. From 2000 to 2002, Google has Google.com with Chinese language characters to serve individuals in China. Since the version had its servers located outside China, it was not subject to the Chinese government censorship. At the time, Google controlled about 25% of the market share (Monge, 2015). While China’s firewall prevented access to the censored webpages, Google provided links to the banned webpages.
In September 2002, the Chinese government started blocking and slowing access to Google.Com. The move meant that Google was slowly losing market share to its counterpart Chinese search engines. In response, Google launched Google.cn in 2006, with service hosted in China (Monge, 2015). The new version censored results that were objectionable to the Chinese government. The major aim was to expand access to information and increase market share, which had stagnated at about 30%, with its competitor Baidu having the majority share of about 50% (Monge, 2015). Google’s decision to censor search results in complying with the Chinese government censorship results was questionable. The company and its employees chose to be complicit as a way of expanding its market in China. Thus, the company contributed to the government’s violation of the freedom of speech and expression, which constitutes a human rights violation. Furthermore, while the company indicated that its motive was to ensure that the huge population in China had access to information, it provided filtered results, hence defeating the same purpose.
Management Role in the Unethical Actions
The management was fulfilling its managerial responsibility in expanding the market share in the Chinese search market. Google executives were aligning themselves to the goals of the company. The decision to enter the Chinese market was motivated by providing information to more people (Monge, 2015). Since Google could not provide information without censorship, the management assisted the company in engaging in “obedient complicity.” Here, Google engaged in practices that violated human rights to obey government regulations. The move would allow the company to continue operating in China while knowingly engaging in a violation.
Further, the management wanted to fulfill the interests of the shareholders. Investors in any company are more concerned about generating maximum profits (Hart & Zingales, 2017). Therefore, they would encourage a company to pursue aggressive means to expand to new markets. For the Google investors, expansion was a good move because it would capture a large market and increase returns. The management cared more about the interests of the shareholders without considering the implications of the process to the users. Refusing to establish operations in China implies that the management risks the shareholder value in the long run. Such an expansion is a duty to the managers as part of their obligation to the shareholders, who have invested a lot of money and are looking for more returns.
Steps Taken and their Sufficiency
In China, Google found it toug...
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