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Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Strategies in Reducing Nurse Turnover

Essay Instructions:

Using 800-1,000 words, discuss methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution and variables to be assessed when evaluating project outcomes.
Example: If you are proposing a new staffing matrix that is intended to reduce nurse turnover, improve nursing staff satisfaction, and positively impact overall delivery of care, you may decide the following methods and variables are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution:
Survey of staff attitudes and contributors to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction before and after initiating change.
Obtain turnover rates before and after initiating change.
Compare patient discharge surveys before change and after initiation of change.
Staff attitudes and perceptions.
Patient attitudes and perceptions.
Rate of nursing staff turnover.
Develop the tools necessary to educate project participants and to evaluate project outcomes (surveys, questionnaires, teaching materials, PowerPoint slides, etc.).
Refer to the "Topic 4: Checklist."
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professional Research –
Evaluating the Effectiveness of the strategies in Reducing Nurse turnover
Your Name
November 11, 2016
Your Institution of Affiliaiton
In the field of Public health, the quicker and more efficient the dissemination of information is, the better it is for the patients and the providers. However, it is also true that regardless of how practical and feasible the results of research is, there are still plenty of other factors that could affect whether the suggested interventions would be adopted of not. Adding to this problem, most of the organizer's (individuals who are advocating for that change/response) issue regarding the dissemination of information is about how quick and efficient will it be in particular contexts (Carpenter, Nieva, Albaghal, & Sorra, 2005). Thus, I believe that to measure how useful the results of dissemination and implementation are, much focus could be given to ‘how many providers have adopted the project.' However, knowing this is not an easy task since implementing the results of research requires careful planning and management. According to Jacobs (2012), one of the most efficient ways to make sure that the implementation phase would be highly successful is by conducting an evaluation of the impact, feasibility, variables to consider, and acceptability of the project to the intended end-users. Following from this information, here are the strategies to reduce Nurse Turnover.
Strategies to evaluate the effectiveness of reducing Nurse turnover
According to Punke (2013), the variables that increase nurse turnovers are (1) Professional relationships, (2) staffing, (3) and personal reasons. In line with this, I believe that nurses’ and staffs’ satisfaction and staffing strategies should be employed. More specifically, increasing the nurses’ and workers’ satisfaction should be based on merit and performance. By doing this, I believe that professional relationships would also be affected. To measure this variable, a health provider could do interviews, forums, and questionnaires to have an idea of the “general satisfaction of staffs and nurses.” However, prior this evaluation, I believe that it is important to have a pre-evaluation of the nurse's general satisfaction to gauge how much have the proposed solution affected the rate of nurse and staff turnovers.
Aside from this, the evaluation method should include a space for the feedback and comment of nurses in an anonymous manner. By doing this, a provider could evaluate the effectiveness of a project and at the same time gather data as to “what could further inc...
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