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Essential Risk Management Elements

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will be preparing a paper for submission to a conference or journal for publication, as well as submitting the paper to your instructor. The topic requirements are outlined below. NOTE: This assignment does not require that you actually submit the paper for publication, but it does require that you prepare a scholarly paper as if you were going to submit it with all the requisite academic and practical content in a format as stated in the publication guidelines. The assignment includes that you identify the outlet and deliver the scholarship and format of the paper in accordance with that publication's style guidelines.

There are many journals and conferences that consider papers for publication. You might consider exploring PMI Knowledge Shelf Links to an external site.or AACEi Conferences Links to an external site.. Another example is The Clute Institute Links to an external site., which publishes many journals and hosts conferences. Note that some journals accept undergraduate and/or graduate submissions. Visit the Council for Undergraduate Research Links to an external site.to learn more. Read about the journal and the types of research it is interested in publishing. Make sure you understand the journal's submission guidelines. Some outlets require submissions in APA format and some do not, and some have special accommodations for student publications.

Topic Requirements:

Using the Interactive lecture for Module 5, consider that whatever form the risk management plan takes that it may include some or all of the following elements:

• Risk strategy

• Methodology

• Roles and responsibilities

• Funding

• Timing

• Risk categories

• Stakeholder Risk Appetite

• Definitions of Risk probability and impacts

• Probability and impact matrix

• Reporting formats

• Tracking

For this assignment, select four of the elements above and explain what each element entails.

1. Identify how these elements were exhibited on a project with which you are familiar, or on one that you can research.

2. Describe the project and why each element was employed.

3. Describe how the project may have been improved with the selected elements or other elements in the list and why.

In an appendix after your references page, identify the following information for your submission:

a. journal or conference name

b. why your paper is best suited for this outlet

c. the submission guidelines in terms of process, requirements, cost, and general acceptance rates, if stated.

Additional Requirements:

• Your paper must be 5-7 pages long, not including the required title and references pages and the appendix.

• Submit your paper in the format required by your selected outlet. (For example, if the outlet requires papers to be single spaced, then use single spacing.)

• Support your paper with a minimum of two current (no older than five years) scholarly sources from the CSU Global Library, in addition to any course lecture material you wish to use. Of course, you may always exceed the minimum number of sources.

• The content of the paper must be formatted according to the APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center Links to an external site..

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sources of Technical Risks Paper
Student Name
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Sources of Technical Risks Paper
Management is a primary role central to sustaining and maintaining a company’s operations in the increasingly competitive and dynamic business environment. The recent shift in dominant economic landscape paradigms implies that traditional management strategies prove infeasible in handling contemporary realities. Approaches such as risk management and strategic management are increasingly being adapted to these novel paradigms. In this context, the risk management plan has emerged as a practical strategy for firms seeking to implement their projects effectively. For purposes of this report, risk management would be conceptualized as a central component of project management that many companies seem to downplay. This report sought to evaluate the risk categories, roles and responsibilities, funding, and timing as essential risk management elements. The paper will describe the application of these elements in a company project and recommendations for improvement using the elements, including the reasons for the suggestions.
How the Elements were Exhibited in the Project
The project completion highly relied on the effectiveness of the risk management plan. The plan constituted the most relevant area in training the project managers. In addition, the project managers were required to analyze the risk categories that might impact the project’s success. How risks are described and understood significantly impacts how they would be analyzed. In addition, this might have severe effects on decision-making and risk management techniques. Risk should be considered systemic because it allows the appraisal of interrelationships between the vulnerabilities and fosters the mitigation of the connectedness of the interactions between them, thus creating an opportunity to appreciate the project risks holistically. The main risk categories that impacted the project include organizational, contract, technical-operative, financial, and political (Lima et al., 2021). Organizational risk entailed human factors and vulnerabilities deriving from policies, regulations, and lack of coordination. Technical-operative risks are vulnerabilities related to equipment, materials, change requests, design, and technology used. Contract risks are inherent in the contract associated with the project. Financial risks are also called economic, and they include interest rates and inflation. Political risks impacting the project included environmental regulations and government policies (Lima et al., 2021).
The elements of time, roles and responsibilities, and fundings are closely related and affect each other. In this context, their influence on project planning and implementation would be considered concurrently to understand how they were demonstrated in the project. The project could only be successful when the anticipated outcomes constituted the predetermined requirements were achieved sustainably within the stipulated time and under the preliminary funding (budget) umbrella. The dynamic and complex nature of project implementation implied that the project could be delayed or over-budgeted due to a lack of appropriate planning. Miscalculations of the business forecast, especially in the planning phase, might lead to financial crises, thus establishing the value of prudent funding and budget allocations to ensure effective project success (Irfan et al., 2019). The uncertainties also make it increasingly challenging to complete the project on time or per the schedule and within the approved specifications and costs.
Accordingly, the problem of over-funding, delays, as well as roles and responsibilities manifested in the project because they were significantly affected by planning and poor control and monitoring mechanisms that were influenced by human resources skills and competencies. The project manager needed to clearly define and delineate the role and responsibilities of each stakeholder in the project. It is necessary to specify the roles and responsibilities of each project member because incompetent staff contributes to improper planning, leads to scope creep, and causes a lack of commitment and skills to ensure successful implementation and sustenance measures. While the top management sets the strategic objectives for the project, a great deal of the work is done by project teams (Irfan et al., 2019). The project teams should be aware of the required work packages to be implemented and when the work needs to be done, including keeping track of the overall project success and keeping the project records for future reference.
Project Description and Rationale for Applying the Elements
The project relates to quality improvement measures that a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) needs to implement in response to commercial, organizational, and technical changes. The enterprise needs to integrate two activity categories: project activities – linked to ch...
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