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The Essence of Redesigning in an Organization Performance

Essay Instructions:

Critical Thinking Option #1: Build Your Redesign Vocabulary

Module 4: Critical Thinking

In this self‐reflective assignment, you will examine design challenges. Spector (2014) claims "All organizations, regardless of their histories, strategies, and competitive environments, rely on some type of control mechanisms to help shape employee behaviors. They need to deploy control mechanisms, however, without losing requisite levels of creativity and innovative response from the employees whose behaviors they are attempting to influence" (p. 80).


Use any readings in the course to build a vocabulary of design change in order to improve performance in an organization of your choosing.

Select a nonprofit, private company, or governmental agency on which to base this assignment.

List 3‐5 redesign challenges facing your organization, particularly in the context of operating in a globalized world of business, technologies, and communication—all of which impact how people act. Explain how these challenges will affect your organization. Justify why you selected these particular redesign challenges.

What evaluation, performance, or control mechanism would you suggest to this organization that would inspire innovation and motive employees?

Back up your facts, assumptions, ideas, and claims with at least two scholarly sources. You may not use any required reading in this course to meet this requirement. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these resources.

Your paper should be 4‐5 pages in length, well written, and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center- https://csuglobal(dot)libguides(dot)com/writingcenter/apa7_resources

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Essence of Redesigning in an Organization Performance
Institutional Affiliation
The Essence of Redesigning in an Organization Performance
Every organization has a goal to achieve, and their success towards its achievement is basic in defining the organization's performance. Whether it is a non-profit, private, or even government agency, good performance is defined by achieving the set goal. Organizations are not harmonious even by themselves. This is because of the dynamic nature of organizational attributes within and around the organization. This diversity is why every organization relies on some control mechanisms to help shape the behaviors of the employees, as Spector (2014) says. According to Spector (2014), these control mechanisms are deployed carefully, not to discourage the innovation and creativity of the same employees. In this assignment, I will discuss the essence of building a vocabulary of a design change to improve performance in a public university.
Most public universities are faced with the challenge of achieving their goal of academic excellence while ensuring that they do not interfere with creativity and innovation. This, therefore, means that the control mechanisms that are put in place are friendly enough to avoid limitations and, at the same time, achieve their organizational goals. The public universities have the challenge of ensuring that the institution can respond to a dynamic, competitive environment by putting in place effective organizational change capable of dealing with people behavioral change, competition, and strategy renewal (Spector, 2013).
Redesign Challenges facing Public Universities
There are many changes in the world of education and business that call for universities' need to change their organizational design. The on-going scientific research that leads to the invention of new knowledge, the discovery of new business ideas, and the technological advancement that is constantly being witnessed worldwide are major influencers of the constant redesigning in the universities. This is because universities are the basis of knowledge transfer, thus requiring up-to-date, accurate data and structure for the right results. Therefore, knowing that redesigning is just the only way, then several challenges face public universities due to organizational redesigning. Borrowing from the works of Worren, Van, and Zybach (2019), I can submit that there are majorly four pressing challenges faced by public universities when dealing with redesigning. These are as follows;
Realistic time and resources estimate
Suppose a public university is faced with a situation where it has to change a particular design. In that case, there are always questions to answer regarding how long it will take to complete the new project and how much of what resource is needed to accomplish the new project. Most of the public universities' projects are financed by the government. This means that the time to be taken to complete the new project is mostly dependent on the government expenditure calendar, which is not always the best timing for redesigning in response to urgency. For instance, when dealing with a matter that calls for global compliance, especially technology advancement and technology-related businesses. The government is the custodian of the resources, may as well pose the challenge of agreeing to the proposed resource allocation and the delayed release of the approved resources.
Information flow/exchange
Information is very vital when it comes to the running of large organizations. This makes it very key whenever redesigning in an organization is a concern. How the information is exchanged from top university management to the other stakeholders and vice versa is critical. This is because non-cooperating members can offer misinformation, thus leading to a flop. Most importantly, the information is exchanged from the university management to the government and finally to the students. On global matters, such as techn...
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