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Enumerating Personality Traits That are Linked to Ethical Behavior

Essay Instructions:

Which personality traits are most closely related to ethical and unethical behavior? Why? Give a real-world example to support your answer. Cite your example.

Do people change their level of moral development based on the situation? Explain

Are leaders held to a higher ethical standard than followers? Should they be? Give a real-world example to support your answer. Cite your example.

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Answer 1
Many people understand wrong and right behavior since they have a conscience. In some cases, it is very tempting to act unethically for personal gain. The personality traits related to ethical behavior are openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness (Kuenzi, Mayer, & Greenbaum, 2019). Openness makes a person transparent to others. Agreeableness enables people to come to a consensus when making decisions. Conscientiousness helps individuals to handle their roles well and thoroughly. An open, agreeable, or conscientious person is likely ethical since one is guided by his or her moral compass. For example, a leader who is transparent, agreeable, and conscientious allow followers to participate in the decision-making process. In that light, the individual is highly ethical since he or she gains respect from others through his actions. In contrast, the personality traits related to unethical behavior are neuroticism and anger. Specifically, neuroticism is usually characterized by moodiness, emotional instability, and sadness (Kuenzi, Mayer, & Greenbaum, 2019). Anger refers to the manner that individuals express negative feelings. For instance, a stressed or angry person is likely to be unethical. Situations that individuals encounter in their daily lives highly determine whether they will act ethically or unethically.
Answer 2
Moral development involves choosing the right from wrong things. Individuals choose their level of moral development based on the situation at hand. For instance, when a person is in danger, he or she can do anything to save himself or herself. In that case, one can act ethically or unethically. When the situation is depressing, people are ready to risk their lives. Suppose, food becomes sparse in such a way that the majority of individuals cannot afford it. Many people would be forced to steal from others to survive. However, when they are given the opportunity to work and get food, the situation would not oblige them to engage in unethical behaviors (Garrigan, Adlam, & Langdon, 2018). In particular, individuals change their level of moral development based on the situation at hand. The majority of ...
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