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ENTR/MAGT 321-001 Entrepreneur Interview. Management Essay

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Entr 321 includes an Entrepreneur Interview in the assignment

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ENTR/MAGT 321-001
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As an entrepreneurial student, I have learned the need of seeking the best business advice from experienced and successful entrepreneurs in the world. Generally, most of the success stories are those that the entrepreneurs learn from their failures. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, one must know that a business takes a lot to set up and grow it to success. This paper brings to you an interview session that I conducted to one of the most successful entrepreneurs and founder and CEO of Owler, Jim Fowler. The interview covered invents of his first company, Jigsaw.
My first interest was to know how Jim Fowler decided to become an entrepreneur. Jim said that before he started his first Company, which was Jigsaw, he was the vice president of sales at a public company and the job was so demanding. The idea of starting his own Company came from his family members who constantly reminded him that he was never going to be happy until he started his own company. Jim says that at first, he could not buy this idea because he had some financial responsibilities and a young child and did not think of quitting his job.
Jim narrates that the first two important things that you need to come up with in an entrepreneurship idea are the knowledge of one’s creative time and secondly the reservation of time to work on your ideas. Jim narrates that he discovered his creative time to be in the morning when his brain was rested, he could report to work at 7:00 am and lock himself up in the office up to 8:00 am. He could think of new ideas, and once an idea comes to his thought, he goes to the dashboard and explore.
The only thing that motivated him to become an entrepreneur is that he wanted to enjoy his freedom of time. Jim stated that while he was working as vice president of sales in that public Company, he did not have time for his own life. He spent most of the time complaining about the demanding nature of his job. Still, at this point, he saw his financial responsibilities as obstacles to starting his own business.
Thirdly, I asked Fowler whether he decided to be an entrepreneur after or before recognizing the opportunity that he developed into a business. Jim said that at first, he recognized the opportunity before developing the idea. Jim points out that he spent most of the mornings that is his creative time thinking about new ideas and reflecting about them. He claims that he started his own Company, Jigsaw, in 2003 after several years of digging deep into the idea. Jigsaw was started as pioneering crowdsourcing in the B2B information industry. He later founded Owler in 2011 as the world’s largest community-based business insights platform. Jim told me that he became an entrepreneur when he was a kid and he used to sell pumpkins, and from that, he learned the meaning of the term profit.
The fourth question I asked Jim Fowler was about what caused him to select the current business of Jigsaw Company....
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