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Employee Training Design and Development

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page located at the beginning of this learning guide for specific format requirements.
Respond to the items below.
Part A: Needs assessment involves organization, person, and task analysis. Which one of these analyses do you believe is most important? Which is least important? Why?
Part B: Your boss says: “Why do I need to tell you what type of learning capability I’m interested in? I just want a training program to teach employees how to give good customer service. Explain to the boss how “good customer service” can be translated into different learning outcomes.
Part C: If you were going to use online technology to identify training needs for customer service representatives for a web-based clothing company, what steps would you take to ensure that the technology was not threatening to employees?
Part D: Customer service training involves far transfer. What design features would you include in a customer service training program to ensure that transfer of training occurred? What is a curriculum road map? Why is it important?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Employee Training and Development
Student’s Name
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Assignment Due Date
Employee Training and Development
Part A
Needs assessment plays a central role in designing and executing a training session. I believe that person analysis is the most important needs assessment because it provides data that determines the source of performance deficiencies. That is, whether employees’ performance deficiencies result from inadequate knowledge and skills or motivational and work design problems. Identifying performance deficiencies helps determine whether there is a need for training and recognize employees that need training and their readiness for training. Workers are the most crucial asset in an organization. A company cannot achieve its goals without them. That is why every organization is attracted to employees with adequate knowledge, skills, and experience to do the job.
In my view, organization analysis is the least because it comes last if the three analyses were conducted in a sequential process. The person analysis and the task analysis form the basis of training to upgrade the employees’ knowledge and skills. However, organizational analysis determines the appropriateness of training based on its strategy, available training resources, and support by managers or peers for training. In other words, organizational analysis is insignificant without the person and task analyses. That is to say, it cannot assess the context in which training will occur without considering who needs training (person) and what subjects the training should cover (task).
Part B
The primary objective of training employees is to enable them to offer good customer service that would increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. As such, the boss should be told that the objectives help identify the types of training outcomes used to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program. Customer service is one of the most important parts of any company. Poor customer service drives customers away, making the company lose its market share and profitability. Therefore, the boss should know that a customer service training program would be effective in helping the employees in the customer service department improve their services like communicating with clients, addressing their complaints, and processing customer’s orders. In other words, good customer service can be translated into different learning outcomes through training programs.
Part C
The first step I would take to ensure that the online technology intended to identify training needs for customer service representatives does not threaten employees is conducting a literacy audit. This practice helps in understanding the employees’ basic competency level before adopting the technology.
The second step I would take is employee training. After assessing the emplo...
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