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Emotional Intelligence: How It can Assist a Warrant Officer in the United States Army

Essay Instructions:

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Emotional Intelligence Instructions: Research Army Emotional Intelligence What is it? What does it mean? What are the emotional intelligence skills? What are hard and soft skills? How do these apply to emotional intelligence? Now that you have an understanding of Emotional intelligence and skills that enhance emotional intelligence, write a short paper discussing the questions listed above. Think about how Emotional Intelligence can assist you as you advance in your career as a Warrant Officer in the United States Army. What types of hard/soft skills do you possess that can increase your ability to gain credibility and make a difference in your field? What are some specific soft skills that you believe make for a better Warrant Officer? Be prepared to openly discuss in class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Emotional Intelligence
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Have you ever been in a stressful dilemma but managed to control your emotions positively to overcome the situation? If yes, then you exhibited emotional intelligence. This is the ability to perceive, use, and manage emotions in demanding and stressful situations. It also allows individuals to defuse conflicts, communicate effectively and show empathy to others (HelpGuide, n.d.). To have clarity on emotional intelligence, it is critical to understand what it means, the skills involved, and how to apply them.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
As stated above, emotional intelligence means recognizing our feelings and those of others to motivate ourselves during challenging situations. It also enables people to manage emotions within themselves and in their relationships.
Emotional Intelligence Skills
Emotional Intelligence skills refer to the components that make it functional. They include self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills (Issah, 2018). Any individual who hopes to exhibit emotional intelligence must embrace these components.
Self-awareness refers to the capacity to understand one's emotions and motivations and how they impact others. In short, it enables people to understand their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, it helps people understand how others perceive them. Some of its elements include self-confidence and a sense of humor.
Self-regulation is the ability to put disruptive impulses and moods under control. It helps people think before they act (Issah, 2018). Some of its elements include trustworthiness and openness to change.
Self-motivation refers to having the passion to work selflessly, not for money or fame. It also means having the knack to pursue goals diligently. One of its prominent elements is remaining positive even in the face of adversity.
Empathy refers to the ability to understand other people’s emotions and treat them in line with their emotional reactions. It helps build and retain talent, besides promoting diversity and inclusivity.
Finally, social skill is the propensity to manage relationships and forge networks. It helps in bringing about change and building strong teams.
Hard skills
Hard skills refer to the technical knowledg...
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