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Driving Change Using an Appreciative Inquiry Approach

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, think about a team you currently work with or have worked with in the past and how well this team has functioned. Think about both the positives and the negatives, and how the material from the background readings applies to what you’ve experienced. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper answering the following three questions below. Make sure to cite at least one of the required readings for each of your answers, and to cite at least two of the required readings in your paper:

1. What are some of the key positive aspects of this team? Discuss some specific positives and include some stories of times when the team functioned especially well. Do you think these stories could work in an Appreciative Inquiry approach to come up with a plan to improve the performance of the team?

2. How is the effectiveness or performance of this team usually measured? Could a traditional organizational development approach help identify problems in this team as well as find ways in which team performance could be improved?

3. Overall, do you think an Appreciative Inquiry or a traditional organizational development would be better for this team? If your team was to hire a consultant, what type of approach would you want the consultant to take?

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Driving Change Using an Appreciative Inquiry Approach
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Driving Change Using an Appreciative Inquiry Approach
An appreciative inquiry is a constructive performance strategy for improving leadership and driving organizational change. This approach allows the organization to determine strengths instead of focusing on flaws (Venter, 2010). The approach was first used in ancient times and is currently used by leaders and managers. The approach allows organizations to integrate power and plan efficiently to ensure the organization's success.
I have served as a law enforcement officer for more than ten years. During my tenure as a law enforcement officer, duties and responsibilities were assigned based on teamwork. The performance of employees was assessed monthly by checking each employee's contribution to the team. The main positive aspects of the team were that it allowed us to develop our careers, educational opportunities through coaching were offered to employees, and performance was also managed. Such elements motivated the team to improve and formed a conducive working environment that drove change in the law enforcement team.
The human resource department offered coaching lessons for the whole law enforcement personnel. The main objective was to ensure the personnel had a continuing learning process to allow them to be more innovative. Having an innovative team allowed the employees to change ideas into reliable results. While working as a law enforcement officer, my team made a positive contribution to the police department by adopting GPS and the internet to enhance performance and the work process. Innovation forms a common goal and positive impact within a team, enabling them to achieve their future objectives.
The police department allowed each team member to develop by ensuring everyone was valued and concentrating on ensuring the set missions were accomplished. Each employee worked as a team and produced remarkable results. Every employee had to inquire from their colleagues to ensure the team ...
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