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Diversity in Teams

Essay Instructions:

Remaining competitive in a global economy frequently means moving from a national to a transnational organization. Developing teams that cross national boundaries is becoming a strategic business need.

Address the issues associated with having a transnational team with members who reside in multiple countries.

Respond to the following questions:

How would you determine team composition in a multinational team?

How will you address the diversity of cultures within the team?

Because the team will operate in a virtual existence, what structure and support will this team need to foster productivity?

How will you measure the success of the team?

What are the characteristics you will look for in a leader of this team?

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Diverse Teams
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Diverse Teams
Given the dynamism and competitive nature of the business environment today, going beyond national borders is crucial. It is one of the strategies that many organizations are implementing to remain relevant and competent. Becoming a transnational organization is integral to expanding business opportunities, minimizing labor costs, and enhancing cultural understanding. On the flip side, the strategy has got its downside. Some of the challenges that multinationals encounter include a lack of political support (Jiang, 2014). In addition, they may find it strenuous to assemble overseas employees that are governable and diligent. The success of any transnational company relies, to a considerable degree, on overseas teams. As such, organizations must exercise due diligence when composing these crucial teams.
Determining Multinational Team Composition
As stated above, multinational employees are the hub that keeps the wheel of operations rolling in the countries they work. They also help organizations consolidate their global competitiveness, and with the exclusion of their input, operations would grind to a halt. When composing a multinational team, it is crucial to assemble individuals who will maximize the effectiveness of the organization (Cooke & Hilton, 2015). This means finding people with relevant expertise, which translates to the diversity of membership. Diversifying may be necessary in order to include experts from diverse disciplines and professions. Personality traits are another crucial factor to consider when assembling a multinational team. Some fundamental attributes to deliberate over include conscientiousness, intelligence, and flexibility.
Conscientious employees will always be ready to do what it takes to make an organization succeed. One way of determining whether an individual has such an attribute is by contacting credible referees. Intelligent people, on the other hand, can easily understand and implement policies that are foreign to them. Last but not least, flexibility means that the employees can work effectively in diverse situations.
Addressing Diversity of Cultures
One inescapable feature of multinational organizations is the diversity of cultures. This happens because the employees come from different countries with varying cultural backgrounds, including linguistic, political, and religious affiliations. The most incisive way for top management to address cultural diversity is to create a positive working environment that values the differences and similarities of the employees (Inegbedion et al., 2020). This will ensure that all employees get the respect and recognition they deserve, their background notwithstanding. The approach has a profound effect because the employees feel valued and an integral part of the organization. As such, their commitment soars; this, in turn, improves output and overall performance. Creating a positive environment is achievable by looking beyond the complexities presented by cultural differences. It also entails valuing the differences and capitalizing on them to benefit the organization. In a word, managing cultural diversities means embracing and celebrating their richness and uniqueness. It would be the height of folly to make transnational employees feel discriminated against based on their cultural affiliations.
Support Needed by the Team
Since the effectiveness of multinational companies considerably relies on their employees, it is incumbent on the organizations to render all the necessary support they require. Doing so is paramount as it enhances their dedication and participation in helping the organization achieve its desired objectives.
One strategy that would be pivotal in supporting multinational teams is offering training and development programs. Training equips employees with the requisite job-related competencies and skills (Noe, 2019). Since multinational teams are in different countries, the most effective way to train would be by facilitating online sessions. On the other hand, development refers to preparing employees for the uncertain future, which i...
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