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Diversity in an Organization: Dealing with the Conflict and its Outcome

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment you are an applicant who has been asked the following question during a job interview for a supervisory/management position:

Tell me about a time you had to deal with a conflict and discuss its outcome.

In your video, describe what led to your involvement in the conflict, what actions you took to resolve the situation, the results of your actions, and what you will do differently when faced with the same situation in the future. (Need a manuscript to read)

After watching and reflecting upon the video below, prepare your response following the principles learned in this video.

Prepare a 5- to 6-minute video of you responding to that question.

Also prepare a 2- to 3-page outline of how you addressed the ideas found in the video. Include a Reference list of at least two sources you utilized to prepare your submission. At least one of these references must be a high-quality (peer-reviewed academic journal) reference found in the Trident Online Library.

Here is a sample of what a basic outline looks like:

outline format example

As you can see, there are no paragraphs or whole sentences in a basic outline.

Note: If you have difficulty uploading your submission, it could be because the internet connection is too slow and because of the size of your video, and the upload may time out.

However, these files can be uploaded to YouTube and the link shared. Set as public or unlisted, NOT PRIVATE. Unlisted means your video/slide presentation will not come up in search results. Only those who know the link can view it, even if they do not have a YouTube account/username.

Important: Put the link to your video in a Word document and submit your Word document along with your outline document in the drop box.

AccelaCoach. (2017, November 16). How to answer: Interview questions on resolving conflict [Video]. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Kqssla8dazc

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Building Workplace Relationships – CLP
Institutional Affiliate
Building Workplace Relationships – CLP
1 Introduction
The increasing diversification of workplaces across organizations worldwide poses a wide range of challenges to employees, who are often tasked with the responsibility of coming up with solutions to address the different issues faced in their workplaces. For instance, workplaces characterized by cultural diversity may be exposed to differences in opinions and approaches to accomplish assigned tasks. Some employees may share the belief of embracing collective effort or teamwork for effective execution of tasks, with others believing in individualism or individual effort for achieving the same desired outcome. The ensuing conflict may pose serious threats to the overall wellbeing of the organization as it may limit the maximization of employees’ production potential or negatively affect the quality of production. Overcoming such challenges calls for the adoption of effective interventional measures for building workplace relationships toward forming enhanced conflict management strategies and achieving the organization’s overall desired outcomes and objectives.
2 Background
I once had the opportunity of working in a culturally diverse organization, with most of the employees coming from different countries around the world. It appeared as if the organization’s recruitment approach focused on building a culturally diverse workforce for the online sales and marketing firm. The online sales and marketing firm further emphasized on teamwork or collective effort toward achieving the sales target and other marketing parameters. All teams comprised of culturally diverse individuals, with each group assigned sales targets and geographical marketing locations to cover online and through direct marketing for increasing the organization’s consumer base. Covering the large geographical location demanded the use of an integrated approach through effective division of tasks for maximum coverage of the market and achievement of the set targets. Each group consisted of six individuals, with my group characterized by self-driven, highly talented, and very passionate individuals seeking to excel in the tasks at hand.
3 Challenge
Though my group was considered to be perhaps the most versatile and equipped with the talent and passion for achieving the set targets, it was very difficult for us to come up with a strategic approach to execute the two main tasks of maximum market coverage and meeting our sales targets. Some members of the group preferred dividing the target market and sales target into six marketing locations and equal individual sales target, respectively. Others opted for breaking down the tasks according to one’s strengths and grouping ourselves into pairs of individuals corresponding to strengths and weaknesses. In essence, a conflict ensued splitting t...
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