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Leadership: Understanding Diversity and its Impact on an Organization

Essay Instructions:

How do you think individuals' preconceived notions, prejudices, and their own interpretations of other cultures impact the workplace? How might you employ the psychodynamic approach to help the employees get along with each other and work better together?

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Institutional Affiliation
Understanding diversity and its impact on an organization may be challenging for leaders. The term diversity can be merely described as differences. The sources of diversity include culture, personal beliefs, and cognitive experience (Northouse, 2010). Acknowledging diversity and its source is a part of addressing preconceived notions, prejudices and biased interpretation in the workplace. Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (2012) discuss on effects of holding preconceived perceptions can be devastating to stereotyped employees and the organization as a whole. Further, contrary stands affect behaviors of individuals, ground their beliefs, behavior, and actions on them. Psychodynamic approach uniquely seeks to understand different perceptions on others and the world in general. Psychodynamic psychologists believe that unconscious forces shape views, interpretation, and behavior of individuals that most people are unaware (Catherine, 2011). Employing this approach can positively transform the work environment. This study looks into the impacts of preconceived notions, prejudice, and culture based interpretations in the workplace. To address expected adverse effects, and encourage employees to interact harmoniously, this discussion analyzes deployment of psychodynamic approach.
Effects of Preconceived Notions, Prejudices and Personal Cultural Interpretations in Workplaces
Definition of Terms
The terms preconceived notions, prejudices, and biased interpretation are closely related, but differ in description and meaning. Outlining the definition of each word is crucial in discussing their individual and collective effects. Preconceived notion is an opinion expressed or implied based on none or inadequate evidence (Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner, 2012). Prejudice is purely an adverse prejudgment. This form of judgment is based on an attitude, beliefs, feelings and hesitation to act. Biased interpretation of other people's cultures entails judgment of one's cultural background based on traditional wrong information, understanding, and thinking (Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner, 2012). Stereotyping as a term better describes biases in cultural interpretation.
Effects Preconceived Notions
Holding preconceived notions affects thinking and behavior of an individual. Viewing challenges in the enclosure of perceptions limits one from exploiting imagination and creativity. Northouse (2010) expresses that the ability to be imaginative and creative in a workplace is crucial especially in solving problems. Employees tend to be reluctant to attempt developing solutions to particular problems or challenging scenario. More than often, employees are faced with situations that dictate immediate action. In the absence of leadership or management, the problem worsens. Such a phenomenon can be linked to adverse notions. For instance, one may be clouded in the perception of inability to formulate a working solution.
In the case of training and learning, preconceived notions are quite detrimental. It is common for new employees to stick to classroom knowledge (Tenzer & Pudelk...
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