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Discovery Report of Fashion Revolution

Essay Instructions:

Communications and Human Resource Management Cultural Framework Plan:

Description: Fashion Revolution (FR) is a non-profit global organization that is focused on a fashion industry that conserves and restores the environment and values people over growth and profit. Based on cultural categories of regions(Spain, South Africa, Mexico, Guatemala, Kazakstan), students will report on Fashion Revolution communications and human resource management structure with comparative aspects of cultural dimensions theory and framework. This capstone outcome will allow FR regions to gain an overview of ways to best structure their internal operations within a cultural framework supporting a communication strategy and human resource practices.

Deliverable/Goal: The final report will provide elements for selected regions (Spain, South Africa, Mexico, Guatemala, Kazakstan), such as an organizational context, stakeholder analysis, situational analysis, benchmarking, along with the recommendations of the cultural framework.



Research Findings and Analysis (1500 words)

In developing your research strategy, you should identify two Research Questions below that will guide your exploration of sources and data. In this section summarize what you learn, highlighting best practices that relate to your project, and synthesizing evidence that will form the basis for your recommendations. When gathering information, be sure to consider the quality of the sources, especially online sources (for example, avoid student papers). Specify any information that is provided to you by the sponsoring organization, 

This section of the Discovery Report should include the following: 

For each Research Question:

  1. Sources of information used
  2. Brief summary of key resources (articles, websites, etc.)
  3. Key findings and/or results of data analysis 

Note: Be sure not to make recommendations in the Discovery Report -- recommendations belong in your final report.

Question 1

What are the cultural foundations of the five selected countries, Spain, Kazakhstan, Guatemala, South Africa, and Mexico, and how will they influence the internal communication within Fashion Revolution and the spread of Fashion Revolution’s messages in these five countries?


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Question 2

What are the best practices of communication and human resource management of a global organization? (from culture)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discovery Report Fashion Revolution
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Discovery Report Fashion Revolution
The culture of any country strongly affects the communication mechanism both for internal and external communications. This report will analyze the cultural foundations of the target markets of the Fashion Revolution and provide insights for the development of the strategy. The targeted countries are Mexico, South Africa, Spain, Kazakhstan, and Guatemala.
Cultural Foundations
The culture of Mexico is quite different from the U.S despite geographical proximity. Mexico’s culture is bright and colorful and has been influenced by ancient civilizations like the Aztecs and Maya (Britannica, 2021). Globalization and new technologies have impacted the country with high social media usage among young adults, especially the educated population (Manago & Pacheco, 2019). Societal bonds are strong, and the power distance is wider in the Mexican Culture. For an organization, that translates to create a culture of harmony within the organization and focus on creating bonds with the employees through inclusive communication. To manage the power distance, the hierarchy has to be maintained for better and clear communication.
In Spain, communication is done in a diplomatic yet direct manner. Society is created on high power distance, collectivism, and masculinity (Hofstede Insights, 2021). There is a strong focus on success and achievement in society. However, it has a lower score of 44 on indulgence, indicating little orientation towards leisure and pleasure activities. For internal communication management, these insights should be utilized. Spain is also one of the societies with the growing use of Instagram. People are found to be affected by influencers during fashion brand promotions (Mañas-Viniegra et al., 2019). The message to the external audience can be communicated through social media more effectively because of wider use and popularity.
The cultural foundations of South Africa are diverse, having a variety of ethnicities. The culture strongly focuses on individuality and masculinity, indicating the regard for personal achievements over collective benefits (Hofstede Insights, 2021). People can be motivated through clear and concrete goals. In terms of internal communication, it also means that personal benefits, both monetary and non-monetary, can be used as rewards to motivate people. Like other emerging markets, the use of digital channels is high among youth. The consumer purchase decision is also found to be influenced by digital platforms in the region as compared to retail channels. In terms of fashion and luxury consumption, purchase intentions are influenced by the value perception of the products (De Klerk et al., 2019). In other words, communication with the external audience should be focused on the value of the brand.
In the culture of Kazakhstan, there is a high focus on power distance, especially in leadership communication styles. The verbal indications of power distance are also evident in the business context (Karibayeva & Kunanbayeva, 2017). For internal communication, that represents a strong reliance on organizational hierarchies and management systems. Despite infrastructure hurdles and a lack of digital literacy, the country is embracing new technology. There has been an increasing focus on developing virtual communities and youth involvement on digital platforms in contemporary Kazakhstan (Kushzhanov et al., 2018). For communicating with a younger audience, a virtual community would be the most suitable channel for rapid growth.
Guatemala is one of the countries with very high power distance and uncertainty avoidance while having a negligible preference for individualism (Hofstede Insights, 2021). This indicates that for better internal management company needs to set very clear objectives without any ambiguity. It also needs to design short, medium, and long-term strategies to avoid uncertainties. As the preference for individualism is negligible, people will be more motivated if they are communicated in the collaborative terminologies. Social media platforms are used in the country for higher community engagement. Youtube is the most popular medium among the public, followed by Facebook and Pinterest (Statista, 2021). The culture is heavily influenced by the Mayan and Spanish civilizations. In communication, Spanish has been given prefere...
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